
Showing 385–392 of 10557 results
Partnerships Help the Lights Out Program Expand in North Carolina And Beyond
October 16, 2023 — Wake ÃÛèÖAPP’s collaboration with Kane Realty builds on the national Lights Out movement.
How Bird Safe Philly is Making the City Safer for Migrating Birds
October 16, 2023 — The new bird-friendly window treatment at Sister Cities Cafe marks the group’s latest accomplishment.
Thumbnail image for video. Image of a Cape May Warbler in a tree.
Hundreds of Thousands of Boreal Birds Traveled Through the Tadoussac Dunes
October 14, 2023 — A new video series showcases this extraordinary phenomenon
Huge expanse of plastic and garbage floats on water.
Will the World Unite to Curb the Global Disaster That Is Plastic Pollution?
October 12, 2023 — With negotiations coming up this fall, experts say that a proposed treaty must rein in production and consider the most vulnerable populations.
Hundreds of dead birds laid out in rows on a large metal table.
More Than 1,000 Birds Collided With a Single Chicago Building in One Night
October 06, 2023 — Weather conditions, a pulse of migrating warblers, and bright lights combined to create a wave of bird death across the city Thursday morning.
Two-story tall painting of a Black Rail bird on the side of a red brick building on a city street.
A Bird Comes out of Hiding to Mark the Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act
October 04, 2023 — A new mural in DC highlights the Black Rail and the need to preserve legislative protections.
ÃÛèÖAPP and Partners Announce First Bird-Friendly Certified Bison Ranch in Montana
October 04, 2023 — North Bridger Bison ranch in Shields Valley, Montana is using bison to boost birds.
Six black and white ducks with pink beaks with wings spread out land in an agricultural field in Colombia.
We Go Where Birds Go
October 03, 2023 — Colombia is a major biodiversity hotspot in the Americas, and the successful work we do there can serve as a model for effective conservation across the Western Hemisphere.