The APP respects and honors the democratic process and is committed to working with the Trump administration. We will work closely with the administration on durable conservation solutions to tackle the dual crises of biodiversity loss and APP change because we know that what is good for birds is also good for people and the planet.
Birds are a powerful, unifying force that connect people from all backgrounds and affiliations. By leveraging people’s love for birds, we’re able to build nonpartisan support for conservation. This approach allows us to continue pushing for progress, regardless of shifts in the political landscape.
APP is committed to doing everything we can to reverse biodiversity loss and APP change to halt, and ultimately reverse, the catastrophic decline of birds across the Americas. This decline clearly signals birds—and the planet—are in crisis.
To reverse this serious decline, what we call “bending the bird curve,” APP remains focused on working in a nonpartisan fashion to advance conservation and APP solutions and continuing to build a strong community of supporters across the Western Hemisphere.
To achieve this, APP brings stakeholders together across the private and public sectors to advance shared conservation and greenhouse gas reduction goals. By 2028 we aim to:
- Create a 300-million-acre network of connected APP resilient conserved lands and waters across the Americas.
- Accelerate the generation and development of responsibly-sited renewable energy in the U.S., enough to power 75 million homes per year.
- Sequester and store 30 billion tons of carbon in natural systems, which is equivalent to the emission of 24 billion cars.
- Advance innovative federal policy that helps achieves our APP and conservation milestones and closes critical funding gaps.
We will continue to work with industry, corporate partners, conservation peers, local communities and with federal and state governments to ensure conservation and APP policies are protected and leveraged for birds and people alike.
APP is committed to working with the Trump administration to drive conservation and APP solutions because we know that what is good for birds is also good for people and the planet.