Painted Bunting. Zachary Webster/ÃÛèÖAPP Photography Awards

2018 Is the Year of the Bird


Join the ÃÛèÖAPP, National Geographic,ÌýBirdLife International, and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in a yearlong celebration of birds.


We never need a reasonÌýto celebrate birds here at ÃÛèÖAPP, but inÌý2018 we’re makingÌýanÌýespeciallyÌýbig deal of them. That’s because not only is it the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA)—a pivotal piece of legislation that continues to save countless birds’Ìýlives—but birds are also facing many new and serious threats, including attacks on the MBTA itself. And so it’s with great excitement that we’ve teamed up with National Geographic,ÌýBirdLife International, and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology to officially make 2018 theÌýYear of the Bird.

What exactly is Year of the Bird? Good question!ÌýThroughout the year, allÌýof us partners, along with more than 150 other participating organizations, are celebrating birds acrossÌýall of our channels—magazines, television, social media, and more. To make Year of the BirdÌýa true success, though, we needÌýyou. Each month we’re askingÌýpeopleÌýto take simple actions that willÌýhelp birds, so make sure you get our monthly action newsletters by clicking the "count me in"Ìýlink above.ÌýYou can find out more ways toÌý#birdyourworldÌýover at theÌý, but you’ll also want to keep checking back here, at ÃÛèÖ, to find new Year of the Bird-related stories every month.Ìý


December's Monthly Action: Share Your Love of Birds This Holiday SeasonÌý


(To see the previous month's featured Year of the Bird action and stories, scroll down.)Ìý

It might be hard to believe, but it's true: The Year of the Bird is almost over!ÌýFor our last monthly action, we're asking all participants to help spread the joy of birds to others in their lives. After all, though the Year of the Bird might be ending, the work of helping birdsÌýand raising awareness about their troubles is never over. And so this holiday season, consider sharing your love of birds with someone else in your life. That could mean going for a bird walk together, posting some of your favorite photos online, or yes, even buying people in your life some bird-related gifts. For this last one, check out our 2018 ÃÛèÖAPP Gift Guide and other birdy gift ideasÌýbelow. And as always,Ìýbe sure to visit the official Ìýto see this month's other featured posts.ÌýÌý

Featured Posts

November'sÌýMonthly Action:Ìý Capture the Beauty of Birds on CameraÌý

Whether you own professional gear or just like snapping shots with your smartphone, photography is a great way to further your appreciation for birds and share their beauty with the rest of the world. That's why this month we are asking you to a community where amateur photographers can submit their photos and get expert feedback. Anyone can participate, so head on over to the page to find out more. While you're there, check out thisÌýmonth's featured posts from our partners. And before you head out in the field, make sure to peruse ÃÛèÖAPP's handy tips and how-tos on bird photography below.Ìý

October's Monthly Action: Participate inÌýCornell's Global Big DayÌý

Fall is officially here, and you know what that means: migration! (If you said pumpkin-spiced lattes, we'll give you a pass.) As in spring, billions of birds are currently on the move, but this timeÌýthey are heading south to their wintering grounds. As with May'sÌýaction, this month were asking you to put on your community-scientist hat byÌýparticipating in Cornell's Global BigÌýDay on October 6th.ÌýOn this day, you can contribute to a worldwideÌýconservation project byÌýlogging all the birds you see in a 24-hour period. For more on how to get involved,Ìý. And before you head out for your big day or to do any fall birding this month, be sure to download our new-and-improvedÌýfree ÃÛèÖAPP bird guide app.ÌýFor more identificationÌýtips, you can also see this month's featured post below, which helps you learn the fall and winter plumage of five common birds.Ìý

Featured Posts
Fall Migration Hot Spots
Fall Migration Hot Spots

With autumn on the horizon, you can soon witness—up close and in person—billions of wings on the go in peak season. Here are six of my favorite lookouts.

8 Great Fall Birding Trails
8 Great Fall Birding Trails

Grab your favorite field guide and hit the trails to see one of the greatest wildlife spectacles on earth.

September's Featured Action: HelpÌýBirds Have a Safe MigrationÌý

Each year,Ìýbillions of birds migrateÌýnorth in the spring and south in the fall. Along the way, though, they now face all sorts of man-made challenges. Whether it be fromÌýendless expanses of concrete to invisible windows and confusing artificial lights, the number of migrating birds that die every year is estimated to be as many as 1 billion. But it doesn't have to be this way. Making windows bird-safe, turning off your lights, planting native plants, encouraging bird-friendly architecture in your community—theseÌýare all ways you can help birds have a safer migration. So for September, our ask is to do everything you canÌýto help birds have a safe migration this fall. You can read more about how to do this and how lights and windows pose dangers to migrating birds in our featured posts below.Ìý

Featured Posts

August's Featured Action: Discover Your National ParksÌý

417! That's how many sites across the U.S. theÌýNational Park Service manages. Collectively called our national park system, these protected places range from important historical and cultural sites to some of the country's most stunning and important habitat. And yet, manyÌýpeople have only visited a handfulÌýof these parks,Ìýand oftentimes they are the most famous ones: Acadia,ÌýYellowstone, Zion, to name a few. That's why this month our is to get out there and discover your national parks—go explore newÌýones,Ìýor just revisitÌýsome of your favorites. Whatever you do, make this month about appreciating the incredible treasureÌýthat is our national park system.ÌýFor inspiration on where to hit first, check out this month's featured post highlighting 10 surprisinglyÌýbirdy parks, as well our other related stories. And be sure to give yourself plenty of time to comb throughÌýÃÛèÖAPP's recent and sprawling ÃÛèÖAPPÌýreport on the future of birds in our national parks. For more stories or to just join theÌýYear of the Bird,Ìývisit the .Ìý

Featured Posts

July's Featured Action: Take a Child into NatureÌý

We're smack in the middle of summer, and for many children across theÌýcountry, that means one thing: no school! Unfortunately, that does not necessarily mean they will spend their free time outside, playing in sprinklers, exploringÌýtheir local woods and streams, and just generally getting good and dirty. Kids are going outside less and less, and so forÌýthis month, our Year of the Bird action is to take a child into nature. Whether it's your own kid or somone else's (please ask permission first), devote some time this month to helping at least one child discover and enjoyÌýthe beauty and wonder of nature. Below you can find our featured postsÌýfor ways to get kids into birding, but also be sure to check out the official website for more stories and tips from ourÌýpartner organizations.Ìý

Featured Posts
How to Feed Your Kid's Urge to Bird
How to Feed Your Kid's Urge to Bird

Children are curious, imaginative, and resourceful. By nurturing those traits, you can turn them into young birders, too.

Six Kid-Friendly Bird Guides
Six Kid-Friendly Bird Guides

A solid field guide will give them a head start on IDing common species. Here are some options to help shape their skills.

Easy Ways to Get Kids Birding
Easy Ways to Get Kids Birding

Kids are natural explorers. Here are some tips and games to encourage that impulse from ÃÛèÖAPP experts.

June's Featured Action: Cut Out the PlasticsÌý

You probably know this by now, but it bearsÌýrepeating: Plastic is absolutely terrible for the environment. It takes forever to degrade, spreads easily, and ends upÌýharming wildlife across the globe. Unfortunately, our use of the stuff isn't going to stop—plastic is just too convenient.ÌýButÌýthere is plenty you can do on an individual level to reduce your own plastic waste.Ìý That's why this month we're asking you to show your support for the Year of the Bird by committing to cutting plastic from as much of your life as possible.ÌýYou can read more about why plastic is so bad at the , and you can begin reducing your own plastic footprint by following the eight easy steps we outline below in this month's featured posts.Ìý

Featured Posts

May's Featured Action: Participate in Cornell'sÌýGlobalÌýBig Day and ÃÛèÖAPP's Climate WatchÌý

Spring is upon us! Migration is in full swing and birds are returning to their summer breeding grounds. Each year, tracking when certainÌýbirds show up where helps to create conservation strategies to protect them well into the future. Because of that, this month's actions are toÌýparticipate in Cornell's Global BigÌýDay and ÃÛèÖAPP's new Climate Watch program. For the Global Big Day, which is on May 5, you can contribute to a worldwide community-science project byÌýlogging all the birds you see in a 24-hour period. For more on how to get involved, . And after you're done with that, check outÌýÃÛèÖAPP's Climate Watch pageÌýto learn about our newest community-science project, led by ÃÛèÖAPP senior scientist Brooke Bateman. You can read more about Climate Watch and Brooke in the profile of her below. Also featured this month are some birding and ID stories that should give you an edge this spring, whether you're participating in the Global Big Day, helping out with Climate Watch, or just out to enjoy all of those colorful visitors migrating through.Ìý

Featured Posts

April's Featured Action: Speak Up for Migratory BirdsÌý

One-hundred years ago, our country'sÌýmost important bird-protection law was signed. Since then, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act has saved countless birds' lives from human threats. Back then, hunters and poachers were the biggest concerns. Now, industrial hazards such as oil pits and power lines endanger birds daily.ÌýThanks to the MBTA,Ìýindustries must work to prevent bird deaths caused by their activitiesÌýand equipment.ÌýDespite all of the MBTA's success, though, the Trump Administration and some in Congress are trying toÌýweaken the law by giving a free pass to industries. From nefarious language in bills to a damagingÌýnew interpretation of the Act,Ìýthe MBTA is under attack. So, as migrantsÌýreturn to your yard thisÌýspring, don't just help them with bird seed and water. ÌýTo read more about the MBTA,Ìý its history, and the dangers industrial traps pose to birds, check out this month's featured posts.ÌýÌý

Featured Posts

March’s Featured Action: Grow Native Plants!Ìý

Good news: Spring is almost here! Not only does that meanÌýmigrants will be arriving soon,Ìýbut that means it'sÌýalsoÌýtime to getÌýgardening. So for this month's Year of the Bird action, we're asking everyone to help birds by giving them the best backyard (or stoop, or balcony, or wherever) with native plants. How do you know if a plant is native? That’s what our handy native plants database is for. Just plug in your zip code and you’ll findÌýnative plants for your area—and the birds that love them. To learn more about howÌýnative plants—and you—can help birds, you can watch the video below and explore this month’s featured posts. And if you haven't joined the Year of the Bird yet, just hitÌý"count me in" above.Ìý

Featured Stories

ÌýFebruary's Featured Action: Take Part in the Great Backyard Bird Count

For birders around the world, February means one thing: the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC). Now in its 21stÌýyear, the GBBCÌý(February 16-19) is a fun, easy activity that can take as little as 15 minutes and contributesÌýto a global body of research. This month we’re asking everyone participating in the Year of the Bird to help science and birds by taking part in the GBBC. You can learn more about the GBBC and what you'll need to do in the first featured story below. Then,Ìýget prepped by reviewing our list ofÌý15 common birds and finding the bestÌýbird guide for you.ÌýAlso worthÌýchecking out are our guides to using eBird and Twitter, both of which are extremely handy tools for birders. And finally, in case you need a new pair of binoculars, take a spin through our ÃÛèÖAPP binocular guide, which covers entry-level binocs to the premium goods. Until next month, happy counting!Ìý

Featured Stories
How to Use eBird
Lesley Val Adams/Great Backyard Bird Count Participant.
How to Use eBird

A powerful tool for tracking sightings can change the way you bird.

January’s Featured Action: Join the Cause!Ìý

To kick off the Year of the Bird, we’re asking people to recommit themselves to helpingÌýbirds and to protecting the places they need. So if you haven't signed up already,ÌýAnd for inspiration, among this month's featured posts you'll find an introduction to the Year of the Bird by ÃÛèÖAPP's President and CEO, David Yarnold; aÌýpiece on how birds bring people together; a history of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and its important role in conservation;Ìýand an essay on how the birding community can lift each other up, by ÃÛèÖAPP board member J. Drew Lanham. In addition, learn more about how ÃÛèÖAPP change threatensÌýbirds in ÃÛèÖAPP's Birds and Climate Change Report, read everyone from famous directors to long-time ÃÛèÖAPP staffers on why birds matter, and finally, just enjoy some strikingÌýimages of birds from our 2017 ÃÛèÖAPP Photography Awards.Ìý

Get Ready for the Year of the Bird
Get Ready for the Year of the Bird

A broad and timely alliance between ÃÛèÖAPP, National Geographic, BirdLife, and Cornell steps up to protect birds and the places they need. A note from David Yarnold, ÃÛèÖAPP's president and CEO.

Featured Stories
How Birds Bind Us
How Birds Bind Us

In such a divisive age, those things with feathers bring people together in so many inspiring—and creative—ways.

Why Do Birds Matter?
Why Do Birds Matter?

From authors to ornithologists, avian enthusiasts share their thoughts.