How to Take Part in the Great Backyard Bird Count

It’s free, it’s fun, and it helps scientific research. Here's how to participate in this annual February tradition that spans the globe.

For some folks, the best part of President’s Day is having an extra 24 hours to veg out. But for others, it's that joyous time ofyear when they get to tally up birdsfor the annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC).The dates for the2022 GBBC are February 18to 21.

During the GBBC, people from around the world count wild birds on the same weekendand then submit their data online for scientists to use in their research.Thekid-friendly event is run by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and APP, plus other sponsors and international partners.

Whether you’re a sage expert or a first-time birder, you can help create a snapshot of avian populations and providecritical information for future conservation effortsjust by reporting what you see and hear. Every observation you submit gives scientists more insight into research areas such ashow birds are adapting to suburban sprawl, West Nile Virus, and APP change. It’s free, it’s fun, and it makes a difference.

So how do you take part? Read on to learn the ins and outs of running your own count.

Make a Plan

Before you hit the great outdoors (or your backyard), you will need to sort out logistics so thatwhen the weekend comes, you're properly prepared. First,make sure you have a way tosubmit your data after the count is over. If you already have an , an , or have registered for another Cornell Lab citizen science project (such as or ), you can use your existing information to log into the database. If you haven’t participated in the last two years, is easy. Once you’re set, from the eBird website. Participants who don’t have smartphones can use their computers to plug in data.

Next, decide where you're going to count and for how long you want to do it. You can devote as little as 15 minutes on a single day, or make a full weekend of it. And though you’re welcome to stick to your window or yard, you can count anywhere: your neighborhood, a local park, a rooftop, a national wildlife refuge or sanctuary, or a birding hotspot farther afield. You can also move between locations during the survey, so feel free to visit several different spots.

Rather than tackling it alone, recruit a group to go out with you. Solo counts are still fun andchallenging, but partners can provide levity and extra eyes to help identifyelusive species or large flocks. The GBBC is also a great opportunity to introduce the joys of birding to someone new by taking the —a program that encourages experienced birders to bring beginners into the fold.

You might also want to study up ahead of time toget a sense of the birds you're likely tosee. Most of the species you will encounter will be local and familiar. (Snow Geese and European Starlings always rank among “most numerous” during the count.)The GBBC website offers you can use to hone your skills. OurAPP Bird Guide appwill also prove handy. Other good apps to download are the free , which identifies birds from uploaded photos, or the new iPhone app , which puts a name to a birdsong.

Get Out There

Collecting and reporting data for the GBBC is straightforward: At each location, identify any species you see or hear, and tally up the number of individuals. (You can also noteany interesting behaviors.) Create achecklist for each location and time; if you revisit a spot,start a new checklist. Remember to keep track of start and end times for each checklist, as well as distance traveled. The mobile app automatically tracks the time after you open a new checklist. Your smartphone should also have a health app that logs steps and miles.

Be as accurate as possible, but don’t panic if your numbers are inexact. Counting a large flock of fussy juncos is a challenge. Estimate when you have to: If you tally only 20 birds, but it seems like there are twice that many, 40 is a safe estimate. (eBird has aon estimating flock sizes.)Snapping a photo of the scene can help you total up flocks later, so keep a camera on hand if possible. (Did we mention that there’s a?)

During the GBBC, rarity doesn't matter; the hundreds ofHouse Sparrows countjust as much as the more unusualspecies. But that doesn't mean that seeing a rare bird isn't part of the allure.Perhaps you will find a bird that's never been seen inyour area, or record a historically high number of a particular species. Last year, counters in Philadelphia found the GBBC’s first-ever Barnacle Geese, which usuallywinter in Europe.And southwestern birders posted three tropical marvels: the White-throated Thrush, Clay-colored Thrush, and Rufous-backed Robin.Rare birds are exciting, but it's important to be cautious and rule out less exciting possibilities first. Carefully document any unusual sightings; it’s good practice, and can help with verification later on.

Above all, remember to take your time. Approaching birds too quickly is a surefire way to scare some off. A little patience will keep them visible to you and minimize the stress for them, providing a better experience for all.

Share the Wealth

Once you’ve seen some beautiful birdsand collected valuable data,leave the rest to the scientists by submitting your observations.For those using the mobile app, it’s a simple matter of reviewing your checklists for accuracy, adding photos, and then hitting "submit." If you plan torecord your databy hand, the process is almost as easy: All you have to do is log in tothe GBBC website, head to the "" page,and then plug in your resultsand photos. (The site guides you through each step, and allows you to share entries with your counting partners.) Another option is to submit yourtallies directly into eBird.

Now comes the hard part: waiting for results. With data streaming infrom all over the world (last year, participants from more than 130 countries submitted 162,052 checklists), it takes about two weeks to crunch the numbers. Once the wait is over, check out the GBBC or APP websites for the final results. There should be a few surprising stories and photo galleriesto enjoy as well—and maybe even one from your own count.