
Can the Greater Sage-Grouse Be Kept Off the Endangered Species List?
June 26, 2024 — Warming and habitat loss diminished sage grouse populations 80 percent since 1965, putting them on the brink of an endangered listing. Western states, the federal government and energy and ranching interests are struggling to prevent that.
APP Hails Rule Creating Climate Resiliency, Balancing Development with Conservation on Federal Lands 
April 16, 2024 —    “Today’s rule finally restores balance to the stewardship of America’s iconic public lands.”
Effort to Proclaim Chuckwalla National Monument Accelerates with Announcement of Bicameral Legislation 
April 16, 2024 — APP and broad coalition of Tribal, community and conservation organizations call for protection of more than 620,000 acres of California desert
APP: New Rule for Fossil Fuel Development on Federal Lands Long Overdue
April 12, 2024 — BLM public lands update puts critical wildlife habitat, cultural resources, and recreation on a level footing with oil and gas development
Choosing a Plan to Save the Greater Sage-Grouse
April 09, 2024 — Tell the Bureau of Land Management to preserve Greater Sage-Grouse habitat
Miller Land and Livestock Achieves APP's Bird-Friendly Habitat Certification
January 11, 2024 — Cattle crucial to making a mosaic of grassland habitat good for birds
a person stands on a beach and looks through a spotting scope, facing left. In the background is the ocean and a blue sky with sparse clouds.
Bird Bands Shed Light on Cross-Flyway Shorebird Migrations
October 02, 2023 — APP Florida biologist Michael Ferrara tracks banded plovers as they stop over in the Panhandle on their twice-yearly journeys.
Aerial landscape of a forest consumed by fire, a huge area of trees already burned and the sky filled with clouds of smoke.
How Do Wildfires in Canada’s Boreal Forest Affect Birds Across the Continent?
June 22, 2023 — Hundreds of fires continue to blaze in what officials say could become Canada’s worst fire season in recorded history.
APP Announces Decision to Retain Current Name
March 16, 2023 — Organization commits to new $25 million fund to expand Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging work, a decision that follows a thorough and inclusive process to examine the legacy of its namesake.
For the Community, From the Community: A Conversation with Marcos Trinidad
January 10, 2023 — Trinidad—center director at APP Debs Park in Los Angeles—spoke with us about his roots in LA, his work making the outdoors more inclusive, and his new podcast Human/Nature.