Two plovers sit in the sand on a beach next to washed up seaweed.

Coasts and Oceans

Latest news about ÃÛèÖAPP's work on coasts and oceans.
Snowy Plovers. Photo: Katherine Pirozzi/ÃÛèÖAPP Photography Awards

Coastal birds are in crisis.

Threatened by ÃÛèÖAPP change, development, overfishing, and pollution, seabird populations around the world have decreased by 70 percent since 1950. In North America alone, shorebird populations have decreased by 70 percent since 1973. Through our Coasts strategy, ÃÛèÖAPP is working to reverse this crisis in multiple ways.

The Challenges Our Oceans Face, And the Actions We Can Take
June 06, 2024 — Birds need healthy oceans to thrive. Here are some of the things we're thinking about for World Ocean's Day.
Two plovers sit in the sand on a beach next to washed up seaweed.
It’s Nesting Season: Don’t Forget to Share the Shore with Coastal Birds
April 04, 2024 — Birds like plovers and terns need our help to safely raise their chicks on beaches this summer.
Finding My Footing in the Seabird Community
March 13, 2024 — A newcomer dives into the world of Pacific seabird science to help Tufted Puffins.
Fifth-annual Seabird Fly-in Helps Advocates Find Their Voice in Washington
March 01, 2024 — Students from chapters across the U.S. traveled to DC to speak on behalf of birds. What they took back home will serve them for years to come.
Building Anew Along the Shores of San Diego County
February 21, 2024 — Local chapters, universities, Indigenous groups, and ÃÛèÖAPP California collaborate to revitalize a shoreline that has long been left to the depredations of industrial action.
Welcome to the Island Where Egrets Rule
January 17, 2024 — A century ago, ÃÛèÖAPP Texas made a commitment to protecting birds along the Texas coast. They started here.
A black seabird with orange feet and bill, a white face, and yellow tufts on its head, stands on a mossy rock with its wings outstretched.
Tufted Puffins are Getting a Boost in the Pacific Northwest
November 15, 2023 — ÃÛèÖAPP and partners are launching new efforts to save this declining seabird.
a person stands on a beach and looks through a spotting scope, facing left. In the background is the ocean and a blue sky with sparse clouds.
Bird Bands Shed Light on Cross-Flyway Shorebird Migrations
October 02, 2023 — ÃÛèÖAPP Florida biologist Michael Ferrara tracks banded plovers as they stop over in the Panhandle on their twice-yearly journeys.
A photo of a Least Tern parent holding a worm towards its chick, which has its mouth open, on the beach.
Dog Lover to Dog Lover: It’s Time to Share the Shore
August 31, 2023 — As shorebirds face innumerable obstacles to survive, small actions like leashing our pets or sticking to dog-friendly beaches can go a long way.
Louisiana’s Most Ambitious Coastal Restoration Project Finally Takes Off
August 10, 2023 — By redirecting Mississippi River sediment, the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion will combat the state’s land-loss crisis.