Coastal Resilience

Protecting birds and people on our coasts from ÃÛèÖAPP change.

Climate change threatens birds and people on our coasts.

ÃÛèÖAPP protects and restores coastal habitat through policy and advocacy, as well as on-the-ground conservation. Healthy coastal ecosystems like wetlands and beaches serve as the first line of defense for coastal communities facing sea-level rise and stronger, more frequent storms. 

Conservation Strategies for Coastal Resilience
Latest News
Coastal Resilience and Hurricanes
Birds That Depend on Resilient Coasts
! Priority Bird
Brown Pelican
! Priority Bird
Saltmarsh Sparrow
New World Sparrows
! Priority Bird
Reddish Egret
Herons, Egrets, Bitterns
! Priority Bird
Least Tern
Gulls and Terns
! Priority Bird
Piping Plover