Two plovers sit in the sand on a beach next to washed up seaweed.

Coasts and Oceans

Latest news about ÃÛèÖAPP's work on coasts and oceans.
Snowy Plovers. Photo: Katherine Pirozzi/ÃÛèÖAPP Photography Awards

Coastal birds are in crisis.

Threatened by ÃÛèÖAPP change, development, overfishing, and pollution, seabird populations around the world have decreased by 70 percent since 1950. In North America alone, shorebird populations have decreased by 70 percent since 1973. Through our Coasts strategy, ÃÛèÖAPP is working to reverse this crisis in multiple ways.

Coastal Stewardship Is Helping Gulf Birds Recover
April 08, 2020 — ÃÛèÖAPP’s Coastal Bird Stewardship Program protects birds that nest on the very edge of our world.
California Pioneers a New Way to Manage Fish for Birds
March 10, 2020 — The Golden State enacted a new policy this month to ensure there are plenty of Pacific herring in the sea.
Great News for Atlantic Seabirds
March 02, 2020 — A small fish called menhaden will be better managed in Virginia.
King Tides Are a Sign of the Future for Oregon's Coast
February 24, 2020 — Portland ÃÛèÖAPP calls on Oregon's congressional delegation to champion the Blue Carbon for Our Planet Act.
Iconic Gulf Coast Forests Get a Much-needed Boost
February 13, 2020 — Birds in Alabama and Louisiana will benefit from a new $158 million investment to restore wetlands.
Fish Are on the Legislative Menu at a Recent Congressional Hearing
January 16, 2020 — A House Natural Resources subcommittee discussed bills this week to protect fish and seabirds from ÃÛèÖAPP change and overfishing.
The Atlantic’s First Marine National Monument Holds Up in Court
January 09, 2020 — The Northeast Canyons and Seamounts will continue to provide safe wintering grounds for Atlantic Puffins.
A Tale of Two Fish
December 18, 2019 — Atlantic fisheries managers move to protect the little fish seabirds rely on.
Climate Change is Already Affecting the Ocean and the Birds That Rely on It
September 25, 2019 — A new United Nations report details the triple-threat that ÃÛèÖAPP change poses to the ocean and its wildlife.
New Bill Would Put Seabirds at Risk
July 12, 2019 — Congressman Don Young (AK) introduced a bill yesterday that would rollback protections for marine fish and harm seabirds.