
Showing 225–232 of 10557 results
A big blue sky and rows of green trees separated by a smaller strip of dirt, that dirt is slowly flooding.
A California Wetland Program’s Flood of New Funding Lifts Hopes for Shorebirds
March 14, 2024 — With many species rapidly declining along the Pacific Flyway, conservationists and landowners in the Central Valley are creating temporary wetlands where birds need them most.
Conservation, Sportsmen Groups Express Support for Efforts to Improve Future for Greater Sage-grouse and Sagebrush Country
March 14, 2024 — Proposed BLM management plans makes science-backed conservation a priority
Finding My Footing in the Seabird Community
March 13, 2024 — A newcomer dives into the world of Pacific seabird science to help Tufted Puffins.
Two siblings with red hair prepare their art to sell at an outdoor stall
Twins Enrich Artmaking and Bring Attention to the Federal Duck Stamp Contest by Entering Together
March 13, 2024 — By sharing the behind the scenes of entering the annual contest, Kira Sabin and Kess Fennell hope to inspire the next generation of artists and conservationists.
A bright green kakapo emerges from a bag on the ground held open by a person's hands.
On Mainland New Zealand, Crafty Kākāpō Are Thwarting Reintroduction Efforts
March 13, 2024 — Ten of the critically endangered parrots were released into a sanctuary in 2023 with hopes of eventually establishing a wild population. The only problem? The birds keep escaping.
Wetlands and Bird Conservation Bill Advances in the Senate
March 12, 2024 — The ACE Act renews funding for habitat conservation programs.
House Committee Advances Migratory Bird Conservation Bill
March 12, 2024 — The Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation Enhancements Act moves to full House for approval.
Close-up portrait of a hawk with bright, all-white feathers with its mouth open and tongue sticking out.
This White Red-tailed Hawk Isn't Just Gorgeous—It's Also a Rare Scientific Opportunity
March 12, 2024 — The stunning raptor was recently trapped in Oklahoma by an awestruck group of researchers, who affixed the bird with a GPS transmitter for further study.