Susan Cosier

Reporter, ÃÛèÖAPP Magazine

ÌýisÌýa Chicago-based journalist focused on science and the environment.

Articles by Susan Cosier

Everything You Need to Know About Buying Ethically Sourced Down Products
December 18, 2020 — A growing number of brands are prioritizing the welfare of the birds that supply the feathers stuffed into items like jackets, comforters, and pillows.
Self-Isolation Is Turning Children Into Budding Birders
April 15, 2020 — During the coronavirus crisis, families are discovering their avian neighbors and nurturing the next generation of nature lovers.
For Chicago Birders, a Christmas Day CBC Is the Perfect Holiday Tradition
January 24, 2019 — Participants in this year's count, including the author and her family, enjoyed a day outside birding while also snagging a pair of rarities.
Snakes That Eat Other Snakes Could Help Birds in the South
March 26, 2018 — By restoring the country's indigo snake population, scientists hope to bring balance to ecosystems—potentially benefiting songbirds.
In Chicago, Controlled Fires Are Helping to Restore Crucial Bird Habitat
July 07, 2017 — The burns, conducted by ÃÛèÖAPP Great Lakes and others, stave off invasive plants while spurring new growth at sites across the region.
One Casualty of White House Budget: Cleanup of Toxic Hotspots Along the Great Lakes
March 16, 2017 — The proposed budget dedicates $0 to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, which restores polluted land and water leftover from manufacturing, lumber, and mining industries.
The Most Important Bird Law in the Country Needs an Overhaul
September 16, 2016 — One of our oldest bird regulations is due for an update—and the sooner the better.
And the Winner Is...
June 11, 2015
Courtesy of Jonathan Franzen
Jonathan Franzen Talks Birds
January 01, 2015 — The best-selling author calls discovering birds “the third major revelation of my life."
One Company Plans to Turn Trash into Gas
December 08, 2013 — Your waste could soon power cars or generate electricity.

