Greening the Grid

This Little-Known Electricity Agency Could Give Renewable Energy the Push It Needs
September 16, 2022 — State public utility commissions have the power to reduce carbon emissions and address ÃÛèÖAPP change. Some have already begun.
A Federal Clean Energy Standard Would Build On Decades of State Experience
September 23, 2021 — Already 30 states have set clean-energy goals. Their successes in meeting them, and proving critics wrong, are the seeds for a national standard.
Electric Utilities, Long Anchored by Coal, Are Starting to Break for Renewables
July 21, 2021 — Renewable electricity will save money in the long run. But that’s tough logic for utilities desperate to earn every penny from their fossil-fuel investments.
Why Electric Utilities Are Resorting to Dark Money and Bribes to Resist Renewables
March 16, 2021 — Many utility companies cling to old business models and dirty fuels rather than go through the tough energy transition ÃÛèÖAPP change demands.