ÃÛèÖAPP Americas

Articles by ÃÛèÖAPP Americas

Discovering Panama's Shorebirds: A Haven for Fascinating Species
September 09, 2024 — Shorebirds that visit or reside in Panama are an integral part of our coastal ecosystems, providing essential ecological services and enriching our natural world.
Dogs on beaches and wetlands: scientists warn of declining shorebird breeding success
September 06, 2024 — Incidents of birds preyed upon or chased by dogs are the daily bread on social media. While scientists warn of the negative impact on shorebirds, the solution to this conflict is neither simple nor quick. ÃÛèÖAPP Americas has some tools that can make a difference in the lives of shorebirds.
Educating to Protect: ÃÛèÖAPP Americas and the Exhibition on Panama’s Mangroves
August 23, 2024 — "The Mangroves: Allies Against Climate Change" traveling exhibition gives a detailed view on how mangroves store carbon and also protect biodiversity and the communities that depend on these ecosystems.
From Canada to Chile, Meet the Women of ÃÛèÖAPP Americas Working Throughout the Hemisphere
February 08, 2024 — Four members of the ÃÛèÖAPP Americas team remember how they started their journey towards science and celebrate the personal discoveries along the road.
Why it is worth changing Colombia's productive landscapes
March 27, 2023 — By working productive landscapes and connecting different ecosystems, we provide safe habitats for birds and biodiversity and achieve environmental benefits for people while improving the productivity and profitability of farmers and communities with a long-term sustainable impact.
Americas Flyways Initiative: birds, game-changers for saving nature
December 16, 2022 — The initiative will identify at least 30 critical landscapes and seascapes along the Americas flyways for urgent conservation, restoration, and management by local partners, communities, and indigenous peoples.
Cattle ranching for birds: a song for sustainability
November 24, 2022 — The new Sustainable Cattle Ranching Playbook recently launched by ÃÛèÖAPP Americas shares the ancient and vital connection of people and birds, and best practices to boost productivity while helping birds.
Mangroves, a Line of Defense Against Climate Change
July 27, 2022 — Julio Montes de Oca, director of Coastal Resilience for the Americas, shares how ÃÛèÖAPP is advancing in Latin America and the Caribbean one of the priority hemispheric strategies.
Piping Plover Gains Ground in The Bahamas
June 22, 2022 — Three sites in The Bahamas are recognized as Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) and international conservation priorities for the endangered Piping Plover. ÃÛèÖAPP Americas celebrates the result of this collaborative effort to map these critial sites.
3,000 Dead Sooty Shearwater in Chile is Far from Normal
May 03, 2022 — ÃÛèÖAPP Americas Chile joins 15 organizations in the urgent call to review current fisheries legislation.

