
Take a Trip to the 'Eighth Continent'
August 27, 2021 — Pioneering scientist Meg Lowman’s new memoir, "The Arbornaut," details her career studying biodiversity in the tree canopy.
Sy Montgomery's Latest Book Celebrates the Fragility and Power of Hummingbirds
August 10, 2021 — In "The Hummingbirds’ Gift," the odds are stacked against two orphaned chicks and their caretakers.
1.158 especies de aves, 7.500 millas, 1.000 tazas de café y contando: Conozca a la pareja que está haciendo el primer Big Year a través de Colombia
July 02, 2021 — Mientras cruzan el país contando y documentando aves, los fotógrafos Niky Carrera Levy y Mauricio Ossa también han descubierto cientos de historias de héroes anónimos de la conservación.
A Brief History of Avian Drag
June 29, 2021 — Birds have long inspired drag queens and played key roles in queer culture.
Meet Elizabeth Gould, the Gifted Artist Behind Her Husband's Famous Bird Books
May 14, 2021 — John Gould's ornithology books were hugely popular and cemented his name in history. But his wife's illustrations were a big reason why.
Striated Caracara. Andrew Stanworth
Unraveling the Mystery of the Caracara
April 21, 2021 — In “A Most Remarkable Creature,” musician Jonathan Meiburg seeks to understand one of the world’s most peculiar birds.
This Producer's Joyful Bird Beats Are Wowing TikTok
April 16, 2021 — So Wylie learned last year that owl calls are "kind of fire." Now she is expanding her catchy avian collection.
H. Jon Benjamin’s 'Morning Bird Reports' Have Brought Joy to Many in Dark Times
April 14, 2021 — One of America’s most recognizable voice-actors shares how the pandemic got him back into birds, why he started posting videos to Twitter, and about that one time he went fisticuffs with gulls.
Margaret Atwood Talks Bird Lore To Celebrate the ‘Bedside Book of Birds’
March 29, 2021 — The reissue of this love letter to birds, by the noted author's late partner Graeme Gibson, delves into the varied intersections between human and avian lives.
'Wingspan' Fans Find Escape, Connection, and Their Inner Birders During Pandemic
March 01, 2021 — As the hugely popular franchise continued to grow, the game became a source of solace and inspiration for many players in the past year.