Birds in the News

Taylor Swift's 'Bird Incident' Is Just the Latest Example of How Filming Disrupts Birds
December 01, 2015 — The singer’s production crew got into hot water when filming near the endangered New Zealand dotterel. It's not the first time Hollywood and habitat have clashed.
Russian Birds Accidentally Preserved Historic Documents in Their Nests
November 24, 2015 — Swifts and jackdaws gathered money, contracts, and letters to build their nests—and preserved a slice of life from 200 years ago.
Can Pigeons Really Diagnose Cancer?
November 23, 2015 — A new study says yes—but you’re not likely to see them in lab coats anytime soon.
Are Gulls Jerks?
November 19, 2015 — They steal food from other birds (and British teenagers), and eat baby seals alive. Still, some signs point to “no.”
6 Fowl That Are Not to Be Forgotten
November 13, 2015 — Turkeys and chickens tend to get all of the attention. Spread the love and learn about six other fowl.
Want to Attract Beautiful Backyard Birds? Try These Tailored Recipes
November 13, 2015 — Purple Finches prefer berries while chickadees go for pie crust. Learn the right combos for the right birds here.
What The Last Ice Age Tells Us About Protecting Birds from Climate Change Now
November 12, 2015 — Millennia ago, more than 20 bird species in the Caribbean vanished. Here’s how we can use that fact to better protect birds this time.
Why Were French Conservationists Attacked by a Pants-less Poacher?
November 11, 2015 — For years, the League for the Protection of Birds has tried to end songbird trapping. This week, they took matters into their own hands...and bore the unpleasant result.
How Loggers Can Help Save the Endangered Fish Owl
November 10, 2015 — Researchers have spent nearly a decade studying these elusive birds. Now loggers are stepping up to protect them.
The Fight to Stop An Oil Pipeline (On Rails) In Its Tracks
November 09, 2015 — New trains, terminals, and refineries proposed in the Northwest put wildlife and communities at risk. Here’s how locals are taking action.