Birds in the News

Why the Golden-cheeked Warbler Must Stay Listed
November 06, 2015 — In an op-ed for the San Antonio Express-News, ÃÛèÖAPP CEO David Yarnold explains why the Texan songbird needs the Endangered Species Act's support.
Obama Rejects TransCanada’s Keystone XL Pipeline
November 06, 2015 — Thanks Obama!
ÃÛèÖAPP New York Rallies Support Against TNR Legislation
October 29, 2015 — This week, Governor Cuomo vetoed legislation that would have been bad for birds—in part thanks to thousands of letters sent by on-the-ground activists.
3 Ways Teamwork Helps Birds Survive California's Drought
October 26, 2015 — Faced with parched habitat, conservationists are creating managed wetlands for migrating birds. All it takes is collaboration...and data from outer space.
Condor Chick Has Two Mommies
October 22, 2015 — After the chick’s father died, a second female condor stepped up to help raise the baby. Watch the progressive family’s first few months in this time-lapse video.
The New Normal: Bald Eagles in the Big City
October 15, 2015 — After cozying up in the spring, Bald Eagles settle into New York City for another winter.
Chasing Birds Across the Country…for Science
October 15, 2015 — A team of researchers radio-tags various species to learn more about them. The catch: They have to follow them as they fly.
David Attenborough Explains Why “Big Birds Can’t Flyâ€
October 09, 2015 — Get up close and personal with the comical ratites in PBS’s new documentary.
The Nicaragua Canal: Still a Very Bad Plan
October 08, 2015 — Construction of the canal, already delayed by more than a year, will harm the environment and the local community, according to a new environmental impact assessment.
Climate Change May Swallow Albatross’ Nesting Grounds Sooner Than We Thought
October 08, 2015 — Bigger storms caused by rising seas will flood seabird nests long before their colonies are actually submerged—and albatrosses may be too stubborn to adapt.