Birds in the News

A Field Guide to the Birds of Star Wars: The Force Awakens
December 21, 2015 — Yes, there are birds in the latest movie, and yes, I IDed them.
Nature Can't Exist Without Suffering—And We Can't Change That
December 16, 2015 — Just because we want to limit wild animals’ pain doesn’t mean it's a good idea to intervene.
Want to Keep Rescued Birds Toasty? Dress Them Up.
December 15, 2015 — While most birds can keep warm all on their own, a few organizations are helping out rescued chicks with adorable knitted (and sewn) outfits.
The Blackpoll Warbler: Tiny Bird, Amazing Migrator
December 09, 2015 — New research confirms that this songbird’s migration is one of the longest out there—and it may be in danger. Here’s how to help.
Bird IQ Tests: 8 Ways Researchers Test Bird Intelligence
December 09, 2015 — A crow is supposedly as smart as a 7-year-old. Here’s how scientists figured that—and other facts—out.
The Inside Story of Shell’s Arctic Assault
December 08, 2015 — A months-long investigation shows how the energy giant pressured the Interior Department during the company's gung-ho Arctic push—and got most of what it wanted (except oil).
Why a Painted Bunting Landed in Brooklyn
December 07, 2015 — The colorful migrating finch has become a local celebrity—and he’ll probably stay for the winter.
How to Protect the Birds That Fly the Farthest
December 04, 2015 — A new study in Science shows that almost all migratory birds are threatened somewhere along their ranges.
Why One NYC Red-Tailed Hawk Needed a Double Rescue
December 03, 2015 — The lone juvenile got into trouble twice this week. Luckily, both the NYPD and NYC firefighters were there to help out.
Two Brothers and a Bald Eagle: Epic Selfie or Epic Fail?
December 01, 2015 — After removing an eagle from a trap, these men celebrated with a selfie. Here’s why they should have left the bird alone.