APP Americas Migration from Theory to Practice

Looking back at the last two years of impressive and ambitious accomplishments of APP Americas.

In 2021, APP shared an ambitious Business Plan for what was then known as the International Alliances Program. Two years after, we know the challenges and joys that migrating to new territories bring. This report is proof of an inspiring transformation that elevates our work as a hemispherical organization, and encompasses our new name: APP Americas.

Working on bird conservationmakes you understand the meaningof a common saying: Timeflies! Two years ago, in June 2021, we shared. I now noticehow many “we will” the text has. It shows ouroptimistic and constructive approach andthe APP’s (NAS) determinationto grow its presence and elevate theconservation impact and APP responseacross the hemisphere. At that point, we werenot fully aware of the incredible journey wewere embarking on, just as challenging andinspirational as the ones thousands of birds doyearly across the flyways of the Americas.

Putting together hasmeant understanding what impact meansbeyond numbers and milestones and betterthinking about the people, partners, andteammates who have helped, shared their
knowledge, and invested resources andtime to help us grow. Connecting, building abird-friendly community across the Americas,and bringing new perspectives into ourwork has also impacted APP.

The year 2022 marks, so to speak, a newground for gaining greater relevance in theAmericas as we project APP’s strategiesacross the hemisphere, adapting or creatingnew ways of implementing them, keeping in mind the local context, and thinking of, from the Boreal forests to thecoasts of Chile.

Science and on-the-ground experience havebeen fundamental in understanding thehemispherical conservation shortfalls, whichhave become our building blocks and a worldof opportunities for APP. Working closelywith international partners like BirdLife,American Bird Conservancy, and RedLAC,among others, and building together initiativesthat have an accountable impact across theregion has been a genuine shift in the way weconnect people, resources, and funding for thebenefit of a more significant and urgent goal:APP change response and the conservationof birds and the places they live in. Workingwith multilateral banks like IDB and CAF hasopened new agendas, scenarios, and alliances.

is just a tiny part of the biggerpicture APP Americas is working on. Forme, it is not a rearview mirror of the fantasticwork the team has done but a vast and clearhorizon for connecting birds and people across the hemisphere.