Working Lands

Bird Friendliness Index Shows ÃÛèÖAPP Conservation Ranching is Bringing Grassland Birds Back
March 16, 2021 — Populations show a jump of more than a third in some areas.
Innovative Bill Would Promote Regenerative Ranching in California
February 10, 2021 — ÃÛèÖAPP-sponsored bill encourages ranching practices that restore grasslands and sequester carbon.
President Trump Visits Colorado as his Policies Wreak Havoc on Public Lands
February 20, 2020 — This Administration prioritizes energy leasing over sound management of the sagebrush ecosystem.
Video: Watch (and Hear) Two Bitterns Getting Weird in a Rice Field
June 18, 2018 — Mindful conservation on California rice farms creates homes for wetland birds, while also providing a rare chance to study them.
Celebrating Sagebrush: The West's Most Important Native Plant
March 30, 2018 — Covering 165 million acres across 14 states, sagebrush country is home to more wildlife—and people—than you might realize.
In Mexico, Grassland Birds and Ranching Can Coexist — with Mauricio de la Maza
March 09, 2018 — "That’s how everything kind of melds together: birds, habitat, water, the people, and economics."
What in the World is Conservation Ranching?
October 02, 2017 — Your guide to ÃÛèÖAPP's program to make cattle ranching prairie- and bird-friendly
For Consumers and Conservationists: FAQs on Conservation Ranching
September 25, 2017 — Learn more about what conservation ranching is, and why it can be good for birds and the environment