Campamentos de naturaleza APP

Spend part of your summer having fun, helping birds, and exploring the natural world.

Day Camps

Day camps take place at more than 25 APP centers across the country. Each has its own special weekly themes and caters to the interests and needs of the children in the community it serves.  More than 6,000 campers, from grades pre-k through 12, enjoy APP summer camps every year.

Residential Camps

Residential camps for teens and adults are offered at three sites, including Hog Island. Located off the coast of Maine, Hog Island has been providing week-long summer ornithology and education classes since the 1940’s, and has hosted notable presenters such as Rachel Carson, conservationist and nature writer; Roger Tory Peterson, naturalist, ornithologist, artist, and educator; Steve Kress, APP conservationist and founder of Project Puffin; and Scott Weidensaul, naturalist and author.


Scholarships are available for qualified applicants.  Eligibility is determined by each APP center.

For more information on details about general registration, camp programs and scholarships please contact the camp where you or your children want to connect to nature.

APP Camps

Title APP Location State
Rio Salado APP Center Arizona
Little Rock APP Center Arkansas
APP Center at Debs Park California
Richardson Bay APP Center & Sanctuary California
Starr Ranch APP Sanctuary California
Sharon APP Center Connecticut
APP Center at Bent of the River Connecticut
APP Greenwich Connecticut
APP Center for Birds of Prey Florida
Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary Florida
APP Seabird Restoration Program Maine
Maine APP Society Maine
Pickering Creek APP Center Maryland
  Pascagoula River APP Center Mississippi
Wildcat Glades APP Center Missouri
Montana APP Montana
APP Center at Rowe Sanctuary Nebraska
Randall Davey APP Center & Sanctuary New Mexico
APP Community Nature Center New York
Beaver Meadow APP Center, Buffalo APP Society New York
Theodore Roosevelt APP Sanctuary  New York
Montezuma APP Center New York
Aullwood APP Center and Farm Ohio
APP Society of Portland Oregon
APP Society of Western Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
APP Center & Sanctuary at Francis Beidler Forest So. Carolina
Trinity River APP Center Texas
Dogwood Canyon APP Center at Cedar Hill Texas
Green Mountain APP Center Vermont
Seattle APP Society Washington
Seward Park APP Center Washington
Hunt Hill APP Center & Sanctuary Wisconsin