
Mystery Solved: Invasive Berries to Blame for Turning Flickers’ Feathers Pink
October 13, 2016 — An old theory distracted researchers from the real cause for decades, but a new study points to a non-native species of honeysuckle as the culprit.
Half of North American Birds Are at Risk
September 10, 2015 — ÃÛèÖAPP's Birds and Climate Change Report shows that ÃÛèÖAPP change threatens about half of North American birds.
Rigged Decks
April 20, 2015 — Is the Gulf of Mexico a haven or a minefield for birds?
Are Brightly Colored Males Really the Best Mates?
April 06, 2015 — New research is questioning one of the most accepted theories about bird feathers and sexual selection.
Why Do Birds Masturbate?
March 20, 2015 — Tom Price aims to answer an unorthodox, and little-studied, question about avian behavior.
Feathered Friends for Life—or Not
February 18, 2015 — Birds make new pals when circumstances force it, but don't expect them to buddy up for the long haul.