
The Quirky Timbres of Blackbird Songs
June 26, 2017 — Their songs may not seem musical, but Blackbirds can definitely grab your attention.
The Surprisingly Specific Conditions Robins Need to Nest
June 19, 2017 — Not only is temperature a factor, but the picky birds also take into account humidity levels. Here's why.
As Grasslands Disappear, so Goes the Melodious Meadowlark
June 12, 2017 — Birds that rely on grassy habitats are among the fastest declining species in North America.
Listen to the Pectoral Sandpiper's Amazing Aerial Mating Display
June 05, 2017 — Along with many other species, every summer this shorebird heads to the coastal plain of Alaska's Arctic Refuge to breed.
Ravens Are Making a Comeback In Cities
May 30, 2017 — The resurgence of North America's largest corvid continues.
How Grebes Build Floating Nests That Keep Their Eggs High and Dry
May 22, 2017 — Dead and rotting aquatic plants are the Pied-billed Grebe's nesting materials of choice.
How Do Birds Taste Their Food?
May 15, 2017 — While birds' beaks may seem hard and impermeable, in some species like ducks the insides are coated with hundreds of taste buds.
The British Tried Training Gulls to Find Submarines in World War One
May 08, 2017 — To detect deadly German subs, the Royal Navy turned to Herring Gulls.
The Female Rufous Hummingbird Is a Master Nest Builder
May 01, 2017 — Marvels of avian engineering, each nest is only the size of half a walnut.
Hear the Desert Come Alive with Birdsong During a Spring Shower
April 24, 2017 — It isn't just parched plants that welcome the rejuvenating rain.