Kenn Kaufman’s Notebook

I Think My First Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Was Tipsy
November 22, 2016 — Their specialized diets make these woodpeckers the botanists of the bird world, but it can also cause them to get boozy on occasion.
Consider the Black Turnstone, a Master of Camouflage
November 02, 2016 — Compared with other shorebirds, the bird's range is extremely limited. But there might be a good reason for that.
The Curious Case of the Itinerant Fulvous Whistling-Duck
October 18, 2016 — The wandering birds have been recorded all over the lower 48 states, but where they'll end up next is anyone's guess.
Meet John James ÃÛèÖAPP’s Nemesis Bird: the Chestnut-sided Warbler
October 04, 2016 — Despite decades of searching, ÃÛèÖAPP struggled to find the bird after his first sighting. But there might be some good reasons why.