Ask Kenn!

Ask Kenn Kaufman: Falcons, Hawks, Owls, Vultures—What Exactly Is a Raptor?
December 11, 2019 — Also this month: Why do certain species sleep in communal roosts, and how many ducks actually say 'quack'?
Ask Kenn Kaufman: Are American Robins Really Robins?
November 05, 2019 — Also this month: What is the one U.S. birding destination every birder should visit? And why can't I count the Great White Heron as a lifer?
Ask Kenn Kaufman: Will My Feeder Keep Birds From Migrating?
October 04, 2019 — Also this month: What happens when a bird gets lost? And what was the most recent newly discovered bird in the U.S.?
Ask Kenn Kaufman: Why Do So Many White Birds Have Black Wingtips?
September 04, 2019 — Also this month: Are kingfishers more photo-friendly this time of year? And what bird would Kenn ride if he could?
Have a bird question? Ask Kenn Kaufman!
July 26, 2019 — This month: Will digital binoculars prevail? Can species suddenly expand their range? Do male birds ever take lead on chickcare?