Wayne Mones

Wayne Mones has been an avid birder since childhood, and leads bird walks. He has written about birding optics forÌýBetter View Desired, Bird Watcher’s Digest,Ìýand on ,Ìý³Ù³ó±ðÌýÃÛèÖAPPmagazine blog.

Articles by Wayne Mones

The 100th Staten Island Christmas Bird Count
December 22, 2008 — I do it because it is a ritual and a ritual is something you just do.
Review: Egg & Nest
November 08, 2008 — A new book of lavish photographs celbrating the collections of bird eggs and nests at the Western Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
Review: Peterson Field Guide to Birds of North America
October 05, 2008 — A new updated Peterson's guide including all the birds of North America published in celebration of the centennial of the birth of Roger Tory Peterson
Be an Optics Contrarian!
July 15, 2008 — Consider Porroprism Binoculars For a Great Deal
Today is a Good Day To Die
May 14, 2008
The Weekend in Clove Lakes Park
May 12, 2008
Beginner Mind Birding
May 06, 2008
Review: Vortex Fury 8x42
April 26, 2008 — A great mid-priced bird-worthy binocular.
April 25, 2008 — Firsts and Lasts On a Morning Walk
The Care and Feeding of Binoculars
April 24, 2008 — How to keep your binoculars bird-worthy and free of pizza sauce, beer, and puke.

