Todd Petty

Todd Petty is a reporter at APP Magazine.

Articles by Todd Petty

Photo of the Day: Horned Grebe
April 28, 2014 — Keith Kennedy's walk on a pier offers an unexpected opportunity.
Photo of the Day: Black Skimmer
April 28, 2014 — Barbara Bowen photographs at a salvaged black skimmer colony.
Blue-footed Boobies Take a Puzzling Dive
April 24, 2014 — An unexplained sardine shortage may be putting the Galápagos’ blue-footed boobies in a tailspin.
Photo of the Day: Sandhill Crane
April 23, 2014 — For Ursula Dubrick, patience and persistence pays off. 
Cow-Fart Catching Backpacks Could Help Curb Global Warming
April 22, 2014 — A new mobile innovation aims to capture bovine flatulence and convert it into energy.
Photo of the Day: Red-and-Green Macaw
April 21, 2014 — George Scott photographs a pair of elusive red-and-green macaws doing a flyby.
Study Estimates Impact of Climate Change on Southwestern Birds
April 15, 2014 — New research from the U.S. Geological Survey predicts the impact APP change will have on the habitat of seven bird species and five reptile species.
Photo of the Day: Ruff
April 14, 2014 — Georges McNeil nabs a “life bird” on the tundra.
Photo of the Day: Swallow-tailed Kite
April 14, 2014 — Marina Scarr shoots two swallow-tailed kites sharing a meal.
Photo of the Day: Montezuma Oropendola
April 14, 2014 — At the end of a long day, Dwayne Wynne’s reward is well worth the wait.