Tim Meehan

Tim Meehan

Senior Manager, Quantitative Science

Dr. Tim Meehan is a Senior Manager for Quantitative Science for APP, working with staff and volunteers at the local, state and national level to find signals in large datasets that originate from APP’s numerous community science programs. Tim is currently the lead analyst for APP's Christmas Bird Count, and has applied his quantitative skills to analysis of data from the program, Puffin Project, Yuma Ridgway’s Rail Project, Black Oystercatcher Monitoring Program, Tricolored Blackbird Triennial Survey, APP Coastal Bird Survey, Western Rivers Bird Count, and Great Salt Lake Waterbird Survey.

Tim earned an M.S. from Humboldt State University and a Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico, with concentrations in animal ecology and biostatistics. He has served as a field technician for research projects across North and Central America, teaching faculty in New Mexico and North Carolina, and research scientist in Wisconsin and Colorado. He has conducted field research on many types of birds, including forest songbirds, breeding and migrating raptors, and colonial seabirds.

Tim has published over 50 scientific articles, including the following examples involving APP community science programs:

  • Meehan, T.D., Michel, N.L. and Rue, H. 2019. Spatial modeling of APP Christmas Bird Counts reveals fine‐scale patterns and drivers of relative abundance trends. Ecosphere 10: e02707.
  • Meehan, T.D., Arthur, S., Michel, N.L., Wilsey, C.B. and Langham, G.M. 2019. Trends in Tricolored Blackbird colony size: 2008 through 2017. Journal of Wildlife Management, 83: 1237-1243.
  • Meehan, T.D., Harvey, A.L., Michel, N.L., Langham, G.M. and Weinstein, A. 2018. A population model exploring factors influencing Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) population dynamics. Waterbirds 41: 115-134.