Simone Scully


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Articles by Simone Scully

Love, Naturally
February 14, 2014 — 10 Amazing Ways Animals Woo a Mate
Scientists Find the Key to a City Bird’s Hue
February 07, 2014 — A pigeon’s style is determined by three genes.
Wondering How to Identify a Bird? There’s An App For That.
February 07, 2014 — New Merlin app identifies birds in five simple questions.
Love Songs Can Be Deadly For Frogs
January 24, 2014 — Instead of snagging a date, some amphibians are snatched up by bats.
The Black Robin Conundrum: What Happens When Humans Move Eggs in the Nest
January 17, 2014 — The effort to save the bird from extinction had unforeseen consequences.
Capuchin Flirt by Throwing Stones (With Video)
January 17, 2014 — These female monkeys resort to drastic measures to attract a mate.
Frogs Freeze to Survive the Alaskan Winter
January 15, 2014 — How Turning Into a Frogsicle Prevents Death
11 New Animal Discoveries
January 08, 2014 — Some of the many exciting new species discovered in 2013.
11 Reasons the Christmas Bird Count Rocks
December 12, 2013 — The world’s longest-running citizen science project is a boon for bird conservation.
Chicken Coop Cop Car
November 27, 2013 — A French artist turned an old cop car into a chicken coop.



Favorite birds
! Priority Bird
Wood Thrush
Hermit Thrush
! Priority Bird
Varied Thrush
Aztec Thrush