Purbita Saha

Purbita Saha is abird nerd, journalist, and insect enthusiast.

Articles by Purbita Saha

Why Some Women Are Skipping Out on the ‘Airbnb of Birding’
December 21, 2017 — People everywhere are taking advantage of the networking service Birding Pal—but the low-security setup can be a deterrent for female birders.
Galapagos Finches Are Proving to Be the Poster Birds of Evolution Again
December 12, 2017 — Except this time, there’s a major twist.
BuzzFeed Asked a Bunch of Bird Questions—and We Answered
November 20, 2017 — “I like birds as much as the next guy.” So do we, BuzzFeed. So do we.
Amazon’s Alexa Is Ready to Help You Learn Bird Calls
November 07, 2017 — The virtual assistant can now access more than 2,000 birds sounds from the APP library—as long as you say the magic words.
Native Trees With Incredible Fall Foliage—and the Birds That Love Them
October 26, 2017 — These stunners make the world better for people and wildlife alike.
Proposed Federal Law Could Save Countless Birds From Death by Glass
October 13, 2017 — Potential legislation to prevent bird strikes, introduced to the Senate this month, is an important step in helping migrating birds. But where the biggest difference needs to be made may be surprising: rural communities.
Hungry Raptors Make Murmurations Even More Beautiful to Photograph
October 05, 2017 — Starlings are easy to find. But capturing their twisted formations as they evade predators takes commitment and vision.
When It Comes to Birding, Nude Beaches Are as Good as Any
August 25, 2017 — Ever birded among the buff? You may not have a choice if a good species shows up.
Why There Are No Ospreys at the Hog Island Nest Cam
July 31, 2017 — The Great Horned Owl didn't come back, but another intruder caused Rachel, Steve, and their surviving chick to move in a hurry: wasps.
Listen to Drew Lanham's Keynote Speech at the 2017 APP Convention in Utah
July 20, 2017 — An author, ornithologist, and professor of ecology and conservation at Clemson University, Lanham spoke on the importance of inclusiveness and diversity in birding, among other themes.