Nicholas Lund

Contributor, ÃÛèÖAPP Magazine

Nicholas Lund lives and birds in southern Maine. He is the outreach and network manager for Maine ÃÛèÖAPPÌýand runner ofÌýÌý²ú±ô´Ç²µ.

Articles by Nicholas Lund

The Best Tools for Forecasting Bird Movements and Migrations
October 13, 2017 — Birders don’t have crystal balls. But we do have the internet.
Birdist Rule #81: Learn How to Handle Your First ‘Dip’
July 13, 2017 — Missing a bird you've traveled to see, or ‘dipping,’ can be a disappointing experience. It’s also a birding rite of passage.
Four Vireos Worth Chasing in the U.S.
July 12, 2017 — They're rare, and they're rad. Here's where to find them.
Birdist Rule #78: Go Find an Exotic Bird in the U.S.
June 29, 2017 — There are established populations all over the country, and some species even count toward your life list. They're also just thrilling to see.
Birdist Rule #57: It's Summer—Watch Out for Juveniles!
June 22, 2017 — Baby birds are about to be on the loose, but identifying them can be tricky.
Birdist Rule #95: Learn the Red-Eyed Vireo's Song and Level-Up Your Birding
June 15, 2017 — Knowing this species opens the door to a whole new world of birds.
Birdist Rule #28: Know When Birds Think You're Too Close to Their Nests
June 09, 2017 — There are a variety of behaviors birds display when they feel threatened. Understanding them will make you a more responsible birder.

