
Martha Harbison

Communication Director, Community Building

Articles by Martha Harbison

Meet the Brave Bodyguards Protecting Belize’s Scarlet Macaws From Poachers
March 27, 2017 — To keep macaw chicks safe, a team of rangers spends night and day watching over the birds’ nests and homes.
Proposed Wyoming Bill Allowing Sage-Grouse Captive Rearing Is Deeply Flawed
February 24, 2017 — The proposal would let commercial farms harvest Greater Sage-Grouse and their eggs. But there's no scientific evidence or public interest to support such an endeavor.
U.S. Offshore Drilling Banned Along Arctic and Atlantic Coasts for Next Five Years
November 18, 2016 — A new federal leasing plan released today outlines where energy companies can look for oil while protecting vital bird habitat.
Despite Controversy, the Coastal California Gnatcatcher Will Remain an Endangered Subspecies
September 23, 2016 — The fight to delist the bird hinged on disputed science—the same science behind an ongoing delisting petition for the Southwest Willow Flycatcher.
The White House Wants to Help Save the Salton Sea
September 01, 2016 — This week the Obama Administration announced it would be teaming up with California on the important initiative.
Judge Approves $20 Billion Settlement For Deepwater Horizon
April 04, 2016 — Six years after the disastrous oil spill, BP will finally have to pay up.
No New Drilling Off the U.S. Atlantic Coast; Arctic Still in the Crosshairs
March 15, 2016 — The Obama administration’s new lease plans take some opposition into account, but 13 sites in the Arctic and the Gulf are open for oil and gas leases.
Beyond the Coca Curtain: Can Birding Build an Economic Base in Colombia?
February 29, 2016 — Colombia hosts more bird species than in any other country on the planet, but for years nobody dared to seek them. Now, with peace on the horizon, birders could offer a solution.
Three Crucial Desert Regions in California Gain Monument Status
February 12, 2016 — Leveraging the Antiquities Act, President Obama sets aside 1.8 million acres of desert habitat, protecting them from mining and other development.
In Suspected Pro-Development Move, California Coastal Commission Ousts Its Director
February 09, 2016 — Despite hours of testimony in support of current executive director Charles Lester, the commission voted against their leader last night.

