Photo of Lander Karath

Lander Karath

Manager, Public Lands Policy

Lander Karath is a Manager of Public Lands Policy at the APP. His work is focused on public lands management, including important habitat for birds in the West, federal land use planning, and engaging APP’s 1.7 million members.

Lander previously worked with The Wilderness Society to develop policy and campaign strategies focused on oil and gas development, wildlife corridors, and travel management. Prior to his work on public lands, he was the Business and Political Engagement Manager for PeopleForBikes. At PFB, Lander advocated on behalf of the $87 billion U.S. bicycle industry at the state and national levels. He is an alumnus of the Obama 2012 and Clinton 2016 presidential campaigns, in addition to leading other successful electoral campaigns over the last decade.

Lander graduated from Middlebury College and received a Master’s of Natural Resource Policy from the University of Colorado - Boulder.

Articles by Lander Karath

Bipartisan Effort Would Give Birds and People “Refuge” in Southern California
September 14, 2022 — Introduction of Western Riverside Act demonstrates a future path for National Wildlife Refuge System.