Kristine Liao

Reporter, APP Magazine

Kristine Liao is a former editorial fellow forܻܲDz Ա.

Articles by Kristine Liao

A Stunning New Exhibit Transported Me to the Arctic Refuge—and Made Me Realize What's Truly at Risk
November 01, 2019 — By bringing the magic and splendor of the refuge to people who are unlikely to ever visit, a traveling immersive installation aims to inspire immediate action against oil development.
Meet The Woman Who Lived in a Bald Eagle’s Nest to Save Raptors
October 29, 2019 — Doris Mager’s treetop sit-in helped to establish the APP Center for Birds of Prey, which turns 40 this month and has played a big part in restoring Florida’s eagle population.
Listen to the Loudest Bird Ever Recorded
October 21, 2019 — For female White Bellbirds, hearing a suitor's mating call is like putting her head in the speaker at a rock concert, a new study shows.
Thousands of Dead Seabirds Washed Up on Alaska's Shores Again This Year
October 11, 2019 — The deaths, including many Short-tailed Shearwaters, coincided with a new marine heat wave in the region. But the exact cause still eludes scientists.
In a New Netflix Film, the U.S.-Mexico Border Brings Birds and People Together
October 02, 2019 — The documentary “Birders” showcases the spectacle of fall migration while exploring the concerns of conservationists on both sides of the Rio Grande.
Reintroduced Hawaiian Crows Are Learning How to Live in the Wild
September 18, 2019 — Extinct in their natural habitat for two decades, a small population of ‘Alalā are starting to forage, mate, and nest on their own.
Steve Kress, the Trailblazer of Seabird Conservation, Proved All His Critics Wrong
September 13, 2019 — In his twenties the ornithologist had an audacious idea: to restore puffins to the Maine coast. Upon his retirement he reflects on how he pulled it off.
A Widespread Pesticide Causes Weight Loss and Delayed Migration in Songbirds
September 12, 2019 — A new study on wild sparrows found that one of the most widely used neonicotinoid pesticides puts bird populations at risk.
Alaska’s Big Fire Seasons Are a ‘New Normal’ and Reshaping the Landscape
August 23, 2019 — After wildfires, grasslands and deciduous woodlands are replacing evergreen boreal forest and transforming the state's terrain and ecology.
This Mysterious Tropical Bachelor Likes to Summer in Maine
August 23, 2019 — For 15 years, a lone Red-billed Tropicbird has attracted visitors and researchers with his unusual habits and misguided mating attempts.