Justin Nobel

Justin Nobel lives in New Orleans and is currently working on a book of stories from forgotten Southern towns.

Articles by Justin Nobel

Oil spill update from the field: Anarchy on the Louisiana coast as furious leaders defy BP and Coast Guard
May 24, 2010
Oil spill update from the field: Grand Isle beach is smothered in oil and birds are feeding in it
May 23, 2010
Oil spill update from the field: Orange globs of oil wash ashore on crown jewel ÃÛèÖAPP sanctuary
May 20, 2010
Oil spill update from the field: Deepwater could spell extinction for a tribe of Louisiana Indians
May 19, 2010
Oil spill update from the field: Looking for a war zone, finding oily rectangles
May 17, 2010
Media helicopters force Gulf birds to abandon nests
May 08, 2010
Containment dome hovers over leaking wellhead, everything else hovers in the balance
May 07, 2010
Internet Crows Cracked Nuts Two Centuries Ago
January 28, 2009 — An email with a link to a sensational web video buzzed around the ÃÛèÖAPP magazine office last week. The clip featured crows in Japan dropping nuts into a busy intersection, waiting for them to be crushed by cars, then retrieving the bits. Some editors
Obama tourists swarm a land of disappearing forest birds
January 07, 2009 — “I am Obama’s brother!” a stranger shouted to me through the open window of a matatu (small bus) as I was crossing the lush countryside of western Kenya. That was 2006. According to a New York Times article this week, cars in western
New Climate Change Report: The sky isn
December 17, 2008 — A new report on abrupt ÃÛèÖAPP change doesn’t necessarily say the sky is falling but portrays a complex world that it is clearly undergoing great change. Some change has been wrought by humans and some seems unrelated to our presence on the plane

