Jillian Mock

Reporter, ÃÛèÖAPP Magazine

Jillian Mock is a freelancer based out of New York City. She is a former editorial fellow at ÃÛèÖAPP and a current contributor to ÃÛèÖAPP magazine. 

Articles by Jillian Mock

The National Parks Have a Diversity Problem. This Couple Has Been Working for 20 Years to Fix It.
February 27, 2019 — Audrey and Frank Peterman want any and everyone to get outside and get involved in the environmental movement.
Hummingbirds Shake Their Tail Feathers to Generate High-Pitched Sounds
February 15, 2019 — Some male hummingbirds have special feathers that audibly vibrate as they zoom around to impress females. Listen here.
The Golden-cheeked Warbler Is Still Endangered, Federal Judge Rules
February 08, 2019 — Developers have lost the latest fight in their battle to delist the species, which breeds only in Texas Hill Country.
Puffins Amp Up Their Sex Appeal With Glowing Beaks
February 05, 2019 — New research adds the Atlantic Puffin to a growing list of birds with features that react to ultraviolet light.
Confirmed: Two Endangered Seabirds Have Been Rediscovered on Oahu
February 01, 2019 — Thought to be extinct on the Hawaiian Island for centuries, Newell's Shearwaters and Hawaiian Petrels were found using acoustic monitoring.
Guardians of the Grebes
September 27, 2018 — To protect ÃÛèÖAPP-threatened Hooded Grebes, volunteers camp out at remote, high-elevation lakes in Patagonia for the entire breeding season.
In Alaska, Starving Seabirds and Empty Colonies Signal a Broken Ecosystem
September 11, 2018 — Mass die-offs and breeding failures, now ongoing for years, have marine biologists worried that this is a new normal caused by ÃÛèÖAPP change.
¿Comó se llama? How Birds Get Their Spanish Names
August 31, 2018 — Bilingual birding can offer a deeper understanding of the species we seek, while also helping to bridge communities across the Americas.
Court Orders EPA to Ban Pesticide Harmful to Children and Birds Within 60 Days
August 10, 2018 — Last year the agency revoked a proposed ban on chlorpyrifos, which causes brain damage, against the recommendation of its own science.
Birmingham ÃÛèÖAPP Saves Terns After Beachgoers Destroy Hundreds of Eggs
August 07, 2018 — Although the colony of some 600 Least Tern nests took a serious hit, the birds managed to fledge 83 chicks this year.