Jeff Wells

Vice President, Boreal Conservation

Jeff Wells is Vice President for Boreal Conservation, where he leads National APP's work to protect the Boreal Forest, a biome comprised of more than one billion acres of northern forests, wetlands, lakes, and rivers that spans from the interior of Alaska across Canada to Newfoundland. His subject-area expertise and experience include Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas and Indigenous Guardians programs, biodiversity, conservation science, carbon storage, and links between Western Science and Indigenous Science/Traditional Knowledge. He guides APP’s team efforts on Boreal-focused applied science and strategic communications to leverage public support for Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas and Indigenous Guardians programs across the Boreal Forest biome. Jeff also builds and maintains strategic partnerships with Indigenous organizations and governments and with other conservation organizations that advance Boreal conservation goals. His work includes engaging fellow researchers, conservationists, and policy experts at universities, other organizations, and government entities on science-based issues and the importance of conservation of the Boreal Forest.

Previously, Jeff led science and policy for the Boreal Songbird Initiative and the International Boreal Conservation Campaign (a project of the Pew Charitable Trusts), where he researched and published reports, science and policy briefs, and academic publications to educate the public and policy makers about Boreal conservation needs based in science. Before that he was Senior Conservation Scientist at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Jeff's current role is a return to APP, where previously he had served as National Bird Conservation Director and before that, Director of Bird Conservation for APP New York.

Jeff received his PhD as well as his Master's in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Cornell University, and his undergraduate degree from the University of Maine, Farmington. He is co-author of the award-winning book, "Birds of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao: A Site and Field Guide," (Cornell University Press, 2017); co-author of "Maine's Favorite Birds" (Tilbury House, 2012); editor, "Boreal Birds of North America," (California University Press, 2011); author, “Birder’s Conservation Handbook,” (Princeton University Press, 2007); and author, “Important Bird Areas in New York State,” (National APP, 1998). Most recently he co-authored the monumental new book "Birds of Maine," (Princeton University Press, 2020).

Articles by Jeff Wells

Boreal Forest of Canada.
Breathing In, Breathing Out
April 21, 2022 — Our deep relationship with the trees of the Boreal Forest.
Paruline à couronne rousse.
La forêt boréale est source d'espoir dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques et la perte de biodiversité
November 12, 2021 — Au moment où les dirigeants du monde entier se réunissent à l’occasion de la COP26, nous examinons le rôle que peuvent jouer des lieux comme la forêt boréale du Canada.
Palm Warbler.
Boreal Forest Offers Hope in the Face of Climate & Biodiversity Crises
October 28, 2021 — As the world’s leaders meet at COP26, we consider the role of places like the Boreal Forest of Canada.
The Connecticut Warbler Connects Threatened Forest Habitat on Two Different Continents
October 07, 2021 — New migration research suggests that supporting Indigenous-led Boreal Forest stewardship in Canada as well as local conservation efforts in Latin America will be key to protecting one of ourmost elusive songbirds.
Keeping Track of These Boreal Nomads Is Notoriously Difficult
March 02, 2021 — The irregular irruptions of winter finches inspire both delight and bewilderment among migration scientists.
New Report Highlights the Importance of the Seal River Watershed
September 28, 2020 — The area is a critically important breeding and migratory stopover for huge numbers of waterfowl, including Common Goldeneye and Black Scoter.
New Study: Boreal Forest Is Key to Reaching Biodiversity and Climate Goals
September 16, 2020 — Many globally important places for biodiversity and APP, including the boreal forest, are being conserved by Indigenous governments.
It's Summer In the Boreal Forest
August 13, 2020 — A whole new year's worth of birds is about to start its southbound migration. We need to make sure they have food and shelter along the way.
How to Find Comfort in Watching for Boreal Birds
May 05, 2020 — For Boreal conservation expert Jeff Wells, birds and nature are the calming salve that counters collective anxiety during the pandemic.
Guardians of Boreal Land Need More Funding from Canadian Government
February 04, 2020 — Not only do these stewardship programs support the places birds need, they also build strong and healthy human communities.