Hannah Waters

Senior Editor, ÃÛèÖAPP magazine

is aÌýsenior editor forÌýÃÛèÖAPPÌýon the ÃÛèÖAPP beat.

Articles by Hannah Waters

U.S. Exit from Paris Climate Agreement Sets America on Lonely, Misbegotten Path
June 01, 2017 — Claiming the unprecedented ÃÛèÖAPP accord was designed to hurt American economic interests, President Trump has pulled the U.S. from the global pact to fight ÃÛèÖAPP change.
Proposed 2018 Federal Budget Leaves Little Room for Birds or Conservation
May 23, 2017 — If the administration's proposed budget signals its values, one thing is clear: protecting birds and the places they need is not high on the list.
From Coast to Coast, ÃÛèÖAPP Stood Up for Birds at the March for Science
April 26, 2017 — To show support for science-based conservation, ÃÛèÖAPP members rallied with the masses across the globe on Saturday.
An Open Letter to Scott Pruitt, Denier of Basic Science
March 10, 2017 — By saying human activity is not a leading cause of ÃÛèÖAPP change, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency continues his campaign to undermine widely accepted ÃÛèÖAPP science.
Hundreds of Former EPA Employees Write Letter to Oppose Scott Pruitt's Nomination
February 07, 2017 — In a letter, nearly 500 former employees make a convincing case for why Scott Pruitt is unfit to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.
[UPDATED] The Gas Industry Leaks Enough Gas to Power Three Million Homes Each Year. Congress Is About to Say That's Fine.
February 03, 2017 — A rule that restricts wasteful gas leaks and keeps a powerful greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere will likely get overturned any day now. Here's why that's bad for everyone.
Bad News, People: 2016 Was Officially the Warmest Year on Record
January 18, 2017 — For the third year in a row, Earth has set a new record for its highest average temperature since 1880. And the evidence is everywhere.
Why We Need a Strong EPA
January 17, 2017 — The Environmental Protection Agency may be a popular political punching bag, but it’s crucial to protecting the health of people and birds. Here’s how.
Arctic-Breeding Shorebird Populations Are Plummeting, with No Single Culprit
January 10, 2017 — As Arctic shorebird numbers decrease, scientists blame farming, hunting, development, ÃÛèÖAPP change—or all of the above?
The Ocean Is Warming More Quickly Than We Thought
January 06, 2017 — A new study confirms that the oceans are absorbing heat from ÃÛèÖAPP change at a faster rate, endangering marine wildlife.

