Emma Bryce

Reporter, ÃÛèÖAPP Magazine

EmmaÌýBryce is a freelance journalist based in London. Her love affair with birds began when she first clapped eyes on a flamingo.Ìý

Articles by Emma Bryce

What's Happening to England's Hen Harriers?
October 30, 2015 — A wildlife crime drama is unfolding in Britain, as harriers go missing on the increasingly perilous moors.
How to Protect Seabirds From Fishing Threats
August 21, 2015 — A new study shows that seabird populations have crashed by 70 percent. Here are five innovations that might help slow the trend.
Is the U.K. Looking to Cull Gulls?
August 04, 2015 — As birds terrorize Britain’s coastal towns, public fear and fury is mounting against them.
What's an Antbird Without an Ant?
July 06, 2015 — In Costa Rica, dozens of bird species rely on army ants to lead them to food. What will happen if global warming drives the ants away?
An Appetite for Extinction
June 17, 2015 — Could market hunting drive the Yellow-breasted Bunting the way of the Passenger Pigeon?
Behind the Scenes of the World’s Largest Bird Wing Collection
June 12, 2015 — One wing at a time, a Seattle museum builds a record of avian biodiversity.
Eyes in the Sky: A Short History of Bird Spies
June 11, 2015 — It’s not paranoia if it’s true.
And the Winner Is . . .
June 11, 2015 — More than 200,000 people cast their vote so that Great Britain could finally claim its national bird.
A Very Presidential Red-tailed Hawk
June 03, 2015 — A bold bird settles in at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Zoos Take a Walk on the Wild Side
June 03, 2015 — Captive breeding and relocation programs are helping to restore rare bird populations around the world.

