Elizabeth Newbern

Elizabeth Newbern is a reporter for ´¡³Ü»å³Ü²ú´Ç²ÔÌýmagazine. Follow her on Twitter @liznewbern.

Articles by Elizabeth Newbern

How Malaria Hurts Birds
June 16, 2015 — Birds have their own strain of the disease—and it could be hurting them in ways we’re just beginning to understand.
Young Songbirds: Lazy Travelers or Clever Learners?
September 03, 2014 — Juvenile Wood Thrushes arrive much later to spring breeding grounds than adults. Here's why. 
Owls Starve as Drought Drags On
August 26, 2014 — Raptors and owls in Southern California, particularly at ÃÛèÖAPP's Starr Ranch, have had an unusually bad breeding season.
California Drought Crushes Tricolored Blackbird Population
August 13, 2014 — California's dry spell is exacerbating an existing decline in the local blackbird population. 
Mallards Feel the Heat
July 29, 2014 — As the drought in California continues, Mallards and other native waterfowl have taken a hit.
The Green Big Year
July 22, 2014 — Dorian Anderson is on a one-year mission to see as many birds as he can — by bike.
Fishing Isn’t Just for the Birds
June 20, 2014 — Scientists discover that spiders all over the world regularly catch and eat fish.
Advice to Hungry Vulture: Arrive Early and Bring Friends
June 16, 2014 — The first scavenger to gather its buddies around a carcass reigns supreme in Kenya.
Incubating Bird Eggs Is More Complex Than You Think
June 11, 2014 — New technology offers insight into egg-turning behavior.

