Becca Cudmore

Becca Cudmore is a science writer in Portland, Oregon, and former editorial fellow at ÃÛèÖAPP.

Articles by Becca Cudmore

Peregrines—and a Photographer—Bunk Out at Chicago Man’s Apartment
August 12, 2015 — A flower-box nest provides the perfect opportunity for some close-up shots of a plucky falcon family.
Do Birds Grieve?
July 28, 2015 — What seems like an obvious display of maternal mourning may really just be confusion.
Paddling Around the World for Climate Action
July 09, 2015 — A grandfather’s fight against ÃÛèÖAPP change is propelling him across the globe by way of kayak.
Carl Safina Makes a Case for Anthropomorphism
July 09, 2015 — The marine biologist’s latest book uses science to show that animals, like people, have complex inner lives.
Cat Owners Turn a Blind Eye to Pets’ Violence
July 02, 2015 — Even telling them how many animals their cats kill doesn’t help.
Adapt, Adapt, Adapt
June 11, 2015 — The American Museum of Natural History’s latest exhibit reveals the power of natural selection.
Avian Alchemy
June 05, 2015 — To unleash the true nature of the beast, Cheryl Medow fuses bird photography with landscapes.
Department of the Interior Reveals Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plans
May 29, 2015 — The Bureau of Land Management announced plans to maintain habitat for the Greater Sage-Grouse while still fostering the Western economy.
Penguin the Magpie: The Bird That Became a Bloom
May 29, 2015 — A lost magpie tumbled from her nest as a chick. Luckily, she landed in the lap of the right family.
The Bipartisan Partnership Behind the Bird-Safe Building Act
May 18, 2015 — The Federal Bird-Safe Buildings Act was just introduced—here’s what the Republican and Democratic co-sponsors have to say about it.

