Becca Cudmore

Becca Cudmore is a science writer in Portland, Oregon, and former editorial fellow at APP.

Articles by Becca Cudmore

APP Spotlight: Ella Sorensen Stewards the Birds of Great Salt Lake
March 20, 2018 — The manager of APP's Gillmor Sanctuary in Utah, Sorensen restores and protects the habitat along one of our country's largest lakes.
Birds Are Helping to Plant an Entire Lost Landscape in Olympic National Park
January 04, 2018 — After the largest dam removal in U.S. history, scientists, Native Americans, and wild animals are working together to restore the heart of the Elwha.
Secret Pools in the Oregon Desert Are Magnets for All Kinds of Thirsty Animals
December 01, 2016 — Created by the government more than half a century ago, the ‘guzzlers’ are kept running by volunteers set on bringing life to the withering outback.
The Man Who Reincarnates Feathers
July 29, 2016 — Chris Maynard uses fallen feathers to reveal the true essence of birds.
This Website Collects Obituaries for Birds—Here's Why You Should Use It
June 27, 2016 — Thanks to D-Bird, citizen scientists are beginning to fill in the gaps on how many birds collide with buildings.
What Goes On in the Mind of an Invasive Species?
June 17, 2016 — An Aesopian experiment may clue us in to how adaptable the Great-tailed Grackle truly is.
Nine Stunning Photos of the Island at the End of the World
May 17, 2016 — Photographer and adventurer Kike Calvo documents the magnificent diversity of South America’s “Staten Island.”
Say Hello to the First Florida Grasshopper Sparrows Born in Captivity
May 17, 2016 — Tiny, pink, and bald all over, these babies are making conservation history.
Extreme Makeover: Birdhouse Edition
May 04, 2016 — Portland’s annual design competition combines whimsy and function with all-out wonkiness.
Video Surfaces of a Rare Florida Panther Tearing Through an APP Sanctuary
March 31, 2016 — Earlier this week, a visitor at the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary in southern Florida met a giant wild cat face to face.