Andrea Schneibel

Articles by Andrea Schneibel

Hornby’s Storm-Petrels Have Found a Home in the Driest Place on the Planet
June 23, 2017 — In Chile, a group of volunteer birders found the first-ever recorded nests of this mysterious bird 46 miles away from the coast in the Atacama Desert.
Lucky Birder Captures Only Known Photos of Horned Guans Mating in the Wild
December 30, 2016 — The amateur photographer was on his first trip to Chiapas' Sierra Madre earlier this year when he documented the endangered birds' behavior.
New Clues Point to When Dinosaurs Began Reproducing Like Modern Birds
August 15, 2016 — A recent study identifies the Mesozoic Era as the time when the reproductive biology of modern birds began to take shape.
Pitch (Not So) Perfect: Inbreeding Could Cause Birds to Sing Off-Key
August 09, 2016 — A new study finds that inbred birds seem to be less musically talented than outbred ones, possibly hurting their chances of mating.
How Do Hummingbirds Fly Without Crashing?
July 21, 2016 — The birds can master their own physics by sizing up the objects in their path.
How Your Next Camping Trip Could Be Harmful to Birds
June 30, 2016 — Steller’s Jays are getting cozy around picnics and fire pits. Here’s why that isn’t a good thing.
Who Wins in a Fight Between Bluebirds and Swallows?
June 23, 2016 — Mountain Bluebirds could have a hard time defending their homes if ÃÛèÖAPP change speeds up the arrival of their nest rivals.
How Spain Lost Millions of Common Birds During the Past Two Decades
June 16, 2016 — Deterioration of habitat and weak conservation policies are the main reasons for their disappearance.
Why Fat Birds Are Better At Making Babies
June 03, 2016 — A new study shows that some warblers tack on the pounds—or, rather, fractions of an ounce to stay in good reproductive shape.
Colombia’s First Caribbean Birdwatching Trail Attracts Attention
February 09, 2016 — The path aims to contribute with the conservation of endangered species and their habitats, while benefitting the locals financially.