Ally Hirschlag

Ally Hirschlag is a Brooklyn-based writer and editor who covers mental health, sustainability, innovation, wildlife, and human rights for a variety of publications. You can follow her work and musings on and . 

Articles by Ally Hirschlag

This Bald Eagle Chick Is the First Hatched on Cape Cod in 115 Years
July 01, 2020 — The eaglet, spotted by a local birdwatcher, is evidence that Massachusetts' eagle population is thriving after being wiped out by DDT by the mid-1960s.
A Rare Bald Eagle Trio—Two Dads and a Mom—Captivates Webcam Fans
April 11, 2019 — Even after their first mate died, the two males remained faithful to each other, and are now raising three eaglets with a new female named Starr.