Rivers, Lakes, and Wetlands

We protect water resources for birds and people.

Water for people and birds.

APP works to ensure that we have clean and abundant water in rivers, lakes, streams, wetlands, and marshes in landscapes where this is paramount to birds’ survival. APP connects science, policy, and advocacy to provide measurable and scalable impact.

How We Work, Where We Work

APP helps restore freshwater wetlands, riparian areas, and land around the saline lakes of the Intermountain West, and works with federal and local officials to secure funding to keep these vital areas protected and productive.

APP's Work on Water Issues

Great Salt Lake Partners “Band Together” to Monitor American White Pelicans
August 02, 2024 — After 5-year hiatus, State of Utah Coordinates Gunnison Island Nesting Colony Tagging
APP Southwest Awarded Prestigious WaterSMART Grant to Restore the Lower Gila River
July 11, 2024 — In partnership with the Lower Gila River Collaborative, funds will advance restoration work along the Lower Gila River west of Phoenix to benefit birds and people.
The Monumental Effort to Understand Migrating Shorebirds
July 02, 2024 — Community science and APP bring unparalleled coordination to understand shorebirds and improve wetlands
Birders Flock to Great Salt Lake for Annual Birding Festival
June 20, 2024 — How birding festivals bring people together for birds and the habitats on which they depend
Explore the Habitats along the Lower Colorado River
June 13, 2024 — APP StoryMap guides viewers along the Lower Colorado River, highlighting its importance for birds and people.