Zone-tailed Hawk by Aaron Zimmerman

Location: 3740 Broadway, New York, NY 10032

ʲԳٱ:May 3, 2017

(This mural has since been removed.)

About the Bird:During the summer, Zone-tailed Hawkssoar over the Southwest United States,where they are often mistaken for Turkey Vultures—by both birders and prey. As it forages in dry, open country made up of grasslands and chaparral it is poised to retain nearly all of its current range with APP change. Rising temperatures will bring other threats that imperil the bird and its habitat, however, including drought, increased wildfires, and false springs.

About the Artist: made his start at the Columbus College of Art and Design in Columbus, Ohio, then went on to receive an MFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York City where he now lives and works. He has exhibited, most notably, at the PPOW Gallery, Mark Moore Gallery, and Takashi Murakami's GesaiMiami Art Fair. “I love the Zone-tailed Hawk because of its striped inner feathers and tail,” he says. “That pattern makes it a strikingly unique bird—one I hope will be with us for as long as we all live on this planet.”

Former Location: