What the New Secretary of Agriculture Means for Birds

Tricolored Blackbird photo by Marcel Holyoak/Flickr

ÃÛèÖAPP has fought to protect birds under 28 presidents, and we consistently work with both political parties to achieve conservation successes. Our approach has always been to seek common ground, while also acting when there are threats to policies that impact our efforts on behalf of the birds we cherish.

On April 24, the Senate confirmed former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue to lead the Department of Agriculture. The Department of Agriculture supports ÃÛèÖAPP’s conservation priorities through programs such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Regional Conservation Partnership Program, Conservation Stewardship Program, Conservation Reserve Program, and the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program. For example, roughly 55,000 vulnerable Tricolored Blackbirds, more than one-third of the estimated population, were , as part of the Regional Conservation Partnership Program.

In addition, the Department of Agriculture's leadership on addressing drought in the west has benefitted ÃÛèÖAPP's efforts in the Colorado River Basin. USDA designated the Colorado River Basin a Critical Conservation Area, which will accelerate conservation efforts to address drought and help promote sustainable use of water resources throughout the basin. The USDA has also coordinated efforts with the Bureau of Reclamation in the U.S. Department of the Interior in funding water conservation in the Colorado River Basin that protects communities, wildlife habitat, and recreation.  

ÃÛèÖAPP looks forward to working together with Secretary Perdue to protect birds and the places they need. Read our statement on Secretary Perdue's confirmation.