Western Water Highlights and Wins in 2018

In 2018, we worked to protect the arid West’s greatest natural resource: WATER - for birds and people.

This year, despite another year of extraordinary drought and policy challenges, we had a tremendous year for APP’s Western Water work. Together, with your support, bird-watchers engaged in our first and worked with conservation NGOs, government agencies, hunter/angler partners, and others in order to .

Here are some examples of important work together across the arid West (and click links for more!):

In , APP helped protect rivers and groundwater from , made progress toward the Drought Contingency Plan, and co-branded APP’s first beer named for the while raising awareness about connections between birds and the Colorado River.

In California, with APP’s leadership and wide-spread support, , a $4 billion water and parks bond measure that included $200 million in funding to address the deterioration of the Salton Sea. APP was also instrumental in restoring Owens Lake from a toxic dustbowl to an internationally recognized bird sanctuary.

In , Governor Hickenlooper proposed and also declared 2018 the Year of the Bird in the Centennial State noting the importance of the Colorado River. APP Rockies and the community showed up for restoration projects, public meetings, and said

In Nevada, the birding community celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Lahontan Valley Wetlands designation as a site of ‘hemispheric importance’ – the area provides a migration stopover for more than 100,000 shorebirds annually.

In New Mexico, APP joined local municipalities in water releases to recharge along the Rio Grande. APP and partners as alternatives to the proposed large-scale water diversions from the Gila River, one of the state’s last great free-flowing rivers.

In Oregon, APP’s VP of Bird Conservation, Stan Senner, along with researchers at the University of Montana, Oregon State University, and the East Cascades APP Society, found that migratory birds and their food sources decrease when a lake’s water level is low and salinity is high. This study was covered in the .

In Utah, we opened our Saline Lakes Program office with renewed focus on Great Salt Lake – the largest saltwater lake in the Western Hemisphere that is at risk. Governor Herbert declared May the “Month of the Bird” in the Beehive State, publicized in the , , and . ABC 4 did a with Ella Sorensen, the manager of APP’s Gillmor Sanctuary.

In Wyoming, Governor Mead proclaimed 2018 as the Year of the Bird in the Cowboy State, celebrating native and migratory birds in the Cowboy State’s remarkable landscapes and water resources that support them.

In northern Mexico along the Colorado River Delta, a new report documented that after pulse flows in 2014, bird abundance and diversity both increased. This was possible because of collaboration between the U.S. and Mexico supported by athat now includes APP.

We’ll face plenty of challenges for people and birds in the arid West in 2019. And we’ll need your help, so enjoy some birding on New Year’s Day and stay in touch!