Watch Thousands of Sandhill Cranes Lift Off From the Platte River at Sunrise

Every year, hundreds of thousands of Sandhill Cranes, Snow Geese, and other waterbirds visit Nebraska in one of the greatest migration spectacles on Earth.

To hear America’s “greatest migration,” you have to beat the sunrise. It starts with a single kar-r-r-roo in the dark, before swelling into a crescendo of 80,000 Sandhill Cranes that fills the Platte River by dawn. It’s an impressive spectacle, says Bill Taddicken, the director of APP Nebraska’s . “This is real. I wish more people would get out and experience it.”

In , Taddicken narrates this poetic scene of the Sandhills, which use the sanctuary and surrounding river valley as a rest stop during their annual migration. The footage shows large, sweeping views of flocks lifting off from the riverbank after feeding on insects and aquatic plants. But while Sandhill Crane populations are largely stable across North America, they're vulnerable to habitat loss in vital migration spots such as the Platte River. They're also vulnerable to APP change, according to APP's APP study.

APP Nebraska is working to preserve the Platte ecosystem and the heritage of the cranes. It's restoring the river to its historic state by clearing sandbars and soil buildup, and keeping invasive species like phragmites at bay. Moreover,  is preserving the region's prairie habitat—where Sandhills and other birds love to forage—by mimicking natural processes through prescribed burns and grazing techniques. All this work has clearly had a positive impact, as the Cranes return in the tens of thousands every year.

If you can't make it out to Nebraska this season for the migration, you can watch the birds on Rowe Sanctuary's . The flocks are typically around until mid-April.


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