The Saga Continues for Bailey, the Beleaguered Hog Island Osprey

After surviving owl, wasp, and eagle attacks, the tough young bird is mending an injured wing at an APP rehab center in Florida.

Most northern-dwellingOspreys usesome combination of muscle power, hot-air currents, and winds to wing down tothetropicsevery winter. Bailey, on the other hand,took an easier route: She caught a commercial flight to Orlando.

Bailey, as regular ܻܲDzreaders and viewers may remember, is this year's only surviving chick frombeloved Osprey couple Rachel and Steve. This summer, followerswatched as a Great Horned Owl carried awaybothof her siblings on , Maine.The raptor tried to kill Bailey, too, but a watchful Rachel thwarted the attack. A few weeks later, a swarm of wasps stung the two-month-olduntil she leapt from the nest, flapping her immature wings to break the fall.

Unable to return to thenest, Bailey was relocated to a new platform, where she eventuallyfledged. But life didn't get any easier for the young bird. On September 14, she was ambushed twice by Bald Eagles—a species with a history of preying on Hog Island Ospreys. After the attacks the island'sstaff found her in the water with puncture woundsand transported her to , arehabilitation center in Freedom, Maine. The wounds healed quickly, but X-rays revealed that Bailey had suffered a fractured ulna in her right wingweeks earlier, possibly fromthe owl attack. Although she'd been getting by on the island, her injured wing had a noticeable droop, and tackling athousands-mile-long migration would require her full strength.

Avian Haven staff bound her wing to give it time to heal, and she began a slow recovery. But keeping an Osprey in an outdoor enclosurethrough the Maine winter“just wasn’t going to be feasible,”Diane Winn, the center's executive director, says. So, on November 9, Bailey made her first fall migration in style: on a nonstop flight out of Boston—and not a moment too soon. “We got her out of here two days before a cold snap,” Winn says.

Bailey’s destination was the in Maitland, Florida, where she became the 799thraptor patient of the year. She was placed in anoutdoor enclosure with Burn, an Osprey who singed his wings in April flying through . The 1,375-square-foot shared space gives the birds plenty of roomfor exercise: “They can literally do laps in it,” says Dianna Flynt, rehabilitation supervisor at the center.

The calisthenics seemto be helping Bailey recover; on Monday, she flew up to the highest perch in her 15-foot-high enclosure, which Flynt says is a good sign of progress. It’s not yet clear if the bird will ever return to the wild, but the center recently freed another Osprey with a similar injury after a four-month rehabilitation. “That’s a good sign that Bailey has a chance,” Flynt says.

If Bailey regains enough strength for life in the wild, Flynt and team plan to release her along Florida’s Atlantic shoreline with a color-coded band to make her easy to identify. Whether she'llheadback to Maine, though, is hard to say.“My hunch is that Bailey will remember the Maine coast and return there eventually if she has the opportunity, but that is not certain because she did not make the flight to Florida on her own,” says Steve Kress, who works on Hog Island and is APP'svice president of conservation and director of the seabird restoration program. “As kin to Rachel and Steve, she comes from a strong and capable family, and I hope she makes it back to Maine to contribute to the future of our local population.”

For now, Bailey’s many fans are making sure she gets the help she needs to heal.At least 85 people have at Avian Haven, her flight south, and the fresh catch that's delivered to her enclosure daily in Florida. “We want to keep her as wild as possible,” Flynt says. “This pays the fish bill.”


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