The Biggest Differences Between Song and Savannah Sparrows

A close look at these two doppelgängers shows some key contrasts in markings and song.

Editor's Note:ÌýAfter learning about serious allegations against Jason Ward, the ÃÛèÖAPPÌýhas severedÌýits ties with him.

Look over there! Quick!

Ah, you missed it.

Sparrows—orÌý"little brown birds" (LBBs) as birders like to call them—are tricky like that. They're always zoomingÌýin and out of bushes, confounding onlookersÌýwith their bland feathers and busyÌýchatter.Ìý

That shorthand, however, fails to capture the beauty of North America's sparrows. There are more thanÌý40 species here in the States:Ìýfrom the svelteÌýBrewer's SparrowÌýto the bulky, skulkingÌýEastern TowheeÌýto the invasive, pervasiveÌýHouse Sparrows.

ThisÌýdiversity can be hard to appreciateÌýbecause sparrows like their privacy. Unlike many other songbirds, theyÌýforage for seeds in the underbrush and avoid flaunting flashy colors during breeding season. So if you do spot one out in the open, act fast with your binoculars; before you can blink, theÌýbirds willÌýdive right back into the tall grasses or shrubs, never to be seen again.

Tackling the common LBBsÌýisÌýa fun way to challenge yourself and sharpen your birding skills. With a little patience and a keen eye and ear, you will soon have your sparrows down to a science. Let's start things off withÌýtwo common, similar-looking sparrows that could be hanging around your home right now: the Song Sparrow and Savannah Sparrow. Click around the photos to uncover details about their best fieldmarks. (Because markings vary by geography, your local birds might not look exactly like the ones in the images.)

Song Sparrow

Other notes:ÌýNailing this ID is paramountÌýto learningÌýyour otherÌýsparrowÌýspecies; it's the easiest to pick out or eliminateÌýout of the long list of possibilities. As one of the most abundant, adaptable sparrows in North America, Song SparrowsÌýcan be found in a wide range of habitats:Ìýcity parks, salt marshes, and even close to water sources inÌýdeserts. True to their name, they're often heard, not seen. Familiarize yourself withÌýÌýand .

Savannah Sparrow

Other notes:ÌýTheseÌýbeautiful, mid-sized sparrows tendÌýto inhabitÌýopen fields. They often fly in circles with their tails spread out, surveying the ground before landing. You won't find these birds at your feeder; look for themÌýalong roadsides instead.ÌýYou can also see them on the coast, pecking away at shellfish and other aquatic bites. Their cup-shapedÌýnests are usually built on the groundÌýunder weeds or dead plants—so watch your step.