Statement of APP President David Yarnold on BP Panel Report

“These are the two words the drillers didn’t want to hear: ‘systemic failure’ That means Americans have been lied to about the risks, across the board.

“Make no mistake: the report says drillers are unprepared for disasters like this. We don’t, for a minute, believe the industry spokespeople who say even today that this disaster was an isolated instance caused by rogue companies. While BP’s arrogance and corporate ineptitude set all-time lows, all aspects of this broken system need to be addressed.

“The report is clear; the Interior Department is outgunned by the drillers and needs the people and the dollars to police the industry. APP urges the White House, Congress, and the oil and gas industry to fund and enact swift and comprehensive reforms.

“A system so riddled with complacency and incompetence must not be permitted to endanger more human lives and precious natural resources. APP supports the report’s recommendations and commends the commission for its clear-sighted integrity and willingness to face hard truths.”


For background: Related stories in the news with link to the report


More about David Yarnold